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How to gain clean weight (for my skinny son).

Plus stretch, stretch, stretch...warmups and cooldowns....flexibility is a fickle bitch and she likes to leave us FAR behind as we age.
Everybody’s body is different. I start to have health issues when I dip below 148 lbs, and I’m 5’ 11”. I know another guy who is 6’ 3” 128 in his late 40’s and feels fine.

I’d steer clear of supplements. He’ll crave what his body needs. Make sure to have those foods available for him.

Good to hear cross country season has ended. Moderate to high amount of cardio aren’t a necessity, and might have needed to be toned down temporarily while his body catches up and fills in some.
But seriously ill echo what @406dn said. If he is a talented distance runner and enjoys it don't do anything. No amount of weight or muscle is gonna benefit him distance running. Focus on strengthening and conditioning the muscle he has.
Chicken, Eggs, Sweet Potatoes with a lot of it with lifting will gain clean weight. If he's running 30 miles a week, he will have to eat a lot of food everyday.
why does he need to gain weight?

i was 6'4" and about 160 when i graduated college 5 years ago, i was trail running like crazy. looking at pictures i don't like how skinny i looked, but i wouldn't say i was unhealthy at all, except for maybe the tobacco use and too much cheap pizza

i don't run as much anymore, ride my bike a lot, and lift weights. in that 5 years i've managed to move up to about 180-185 and i like that. just give it time, eat normal real food - supplements are an unhealthy waste of money - and don't worry about his weight as long as he is actually still eating
5k calories a day for some people is considered maintenance. In my former job I was what is considered an industrial athlete, walking/running, pushing 3-500 lb loads 14 miles per day on average and commonly ate 5+ meals a day plus snacks/beer, etc. Never gained a lb during that period of time, even eating/drinking 6k calories a day.
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Tyson Good to hear that last inch came with about 25# on it 👍🏻
You’re gonna have to buy another frig to keep that boy in food!
I would talk to a nutritionist. As stated above by several guys : Bench press, squats, deadlifts, military press. 3 set of 8 reps each , with a weight that makes it very tough for the last couple of reps.
Check out GOMAD (gallon of milk a day). Plus what others have said about squat, bench press, deadlifts, shoulder press. Forget the bicep curls.
Any nutritionists on here?

My son is 15 years old, 6'5" and weighs 145. He's grown almost a foot in the last 11 months.

His body is trying to catch up, but he can't get any weight put on due to being on the cross country team and running 30+ miles/week.

He eats whatever he wants, and not much junk.

Is it time to look at supplements? or just feed him more food and let the calendar work?
The body does what the body does. I'd advise strongly against trying to manipulate the body's own metabolism and be okay with thin for now. I'm 6 foot 1 and weighed 128lbs until I was about 25, then year by year things changed and I gained a little weight. I'm now 50 and got as high as about 180 last year and though not even close to "fat" as others might consider it, I felt like crap. I started doing a ketogenic diet and now I feel the best I ever have and my body hangs out around 155... still pretty damn thin as others might consider it.

Long story short, eat healthy foods, get lots of exercise and rest, and your body will do what it's supposed to.
The body does what the body does. I'd advise strongly against trying to manipulate the body's own metabolism and be okay with thin for now. I'm 6 foot 1 and weighed 128lbs until I was about 25, then year by year things changed and I gained a little weight. I'm now 50 and got as high as about 180 last year and though not even close to "fat" as others might consider it, I felt like crap. I started doing a ketogenic diet and now I feel the best I ever have and my body hangs out around 155... still pretty damn thin as others might consider it.

Long story short, eat healthy foods, get lots of exercise and rest, and your body will do what it's supposed to.
I'm 6'1 and could absolutely not imagine weighing 155
My lowest weight was 180 straight out of basic training. 215 out of AIT and felt better than I did at 180.
7 years later and I just dropped from 260 to 210 and feel much better than I did as a fatty lol
I was in a similar situation when I was in high school playing hockey, tennis, and then having to do farm work afterward. Thought I was doing well when I hit 160lbs as a senior.

To play sports in college I needed to gain 15lbs, and there were two suggestions instant carnation breakfast shakes one for breakfast and one for dinner.

The second suggestion from the hockey trainer for the Canadian diet 1 large pizza with a six pack. I would not suggest this option for a high schooler.😀
I went from a VERY lean 5'10" 170 lbs @ 18 (martial arts) to 6'2" 155 at 20 (college do-nothing). Highest I ever got was a couple weeks of 195 at 22 when lifting 2x week, running 2x week, swimming 3x week, and rugby practice 3x week. Got hurt, went back to 160-170 for several years.

Currently 185 at 31 years old, not as lean as I used to be, but noticeably more muscle, still have decent definition.

I would avoid that much milk- it has a lot of sugar calories (lactose). Focus on eating more than 3 meals a day, balanced intake of protein/veggies/complex carbs (avoid sugar). Timing of meals is important- you need some protein within 20-30 min after a workout to get the best muscle growth.

Or just keep doing what you're doing- sounds like he is filling out some.

But it seems like he's finally breaking even on his calorie intake vs. demand- I hope he slows down growing, for your sake! Or at least starts killing his own elk!
I'm 6'1 and could absolutely not imagine weighing 155
My lowest weight was 180 straight out of basic training. 215 out of AIT and felt better than I did at 180.
7 years later and I just dropped from 260 to 210 and feel much better than I did as a fatty lol
I also have a 32in waist and wear size Medium shirts. It all depends on the build, right? Height is definitely not a good enough metric to determine ideal weight.