How should I cut mt hair?


I could wear a HAT !??!?

I decided to change my hair style, after the divorce and moving to Fla. I think it works for me.. you might want to try it.

:D :D :D
Seriously though. I'm with Heavy. There is nothing sexier on a man than a bald head.
You have a point Aimee. Bald is sexy on a solid hunk of a man. Wimpy tiny men don't pull it of as well. But as far as I recall we don't have any wimpy men on HuntTalk, now do we?
I'm thinking you ought to grow a Mullet! You would then have a better chance of being percieved as a local and not a move in! Wylee, mtmiller, and Moosie can give you tips!!!! :D

Mojave- I'm a big hunk of a man, but it mostly jiggles and is not too solid, so could I pull off a bald head?? If so, I'll give you my number so you can convince my wife!
Let's see, we have the bals look, the looking like a DORK look, resembling Dumb & Dumber, the I can't believe it's not butter look or looking like a parrot head. This is a tough choice.
Trim it short or bald, the maintanance is great...
He Bill, you sneek any pics of Micheles head... :D