Yeti GOBOX Collection

How old is your Buck 110 ?


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
I got mine, as gift, back in '86. I've not even tried to keep track of the critters that have been skinned, dressed and made freezer ready over those years, It has to be 3 figures. Still razor sharp & going strong.......
Bought one in a small town lumber yard in '84. My son gave me a dime (for good luck) for it years later.
Have one that stays in the truck that was my dads. Not sure when he got it (guessing 80s) but a couple years ago I snapped the tip off and sent it in, they sent it back with a new blade no questions asked.
I never had one,but my Uncle Henry by Shrade (identical to a 110 Buck) was given to my by my uncle in 1970 and he had it 10 years or so. It is still the one on my belt when out in the woods. Did a cow just last year with it,gutless and never touched it up, til we got inside.
Don't know how many critters it has done. Most of mine.
The other knives are for back up.
Sometime in the very early 1970's.
I've had a knock-off made by Puma almost that long. It's just a little thinner in the grip.
Have one that stays in the truck that was my dads. Not sure when he got it (guessing 80s) but a couple years ago I snapped the tip off and sent it in, they sent it back with a new blade no questions asked.
Yeah, I too snapped the tip once on a ball joint. Came back shiny as new....for that matter it just may have been a new knife!
I found one laying on the ground on the side of the mountain in 1993. Guessing someone set it down gutting an elk. Lucky to just stumble on it in the sage brush. Never really used it much though.
I never had one,but my Uncle Henry by Shrade (identical to a 110 Buck) was given to my by my uncle in 1970 and he had it 10 years or so. It is still the one on my belt when out in the woods. Did a cow just last year with it,gutless and never touched it up, til we got inside.
Don't know how many critters it has done. Most of mine.
The other knives are for back up.
Got the same knife in 95 I think. Part of every critter since. My son got one bought for him when he was born.
I got one as a present 5 years ago. I go through spurts of using it but enjoy using it every time I do.
Early 70s never got dressed without it on my belt. Broke the center out of it taking a wingnut off. Never thought to send it back. It’s been in storage for years. Funny this topic came up as I just bought a RMEF version 110 from Oregon chapter online auction. I really didn’t know that knife was still made.
Early 70s never got dressed without it on my belt. Broke the center out of it taking a wingnut off. Never thought to send it back. It’s been in storage for years. Funny this topic came up as I just bought a RMEF version 110 from Oregon chapter online auction. I really didn’t know that knife was still made.
Send it back. I had mine rebladed a year ago. They also through in a sticker and a 25 % off coupon for next purchase as well as replaced my worn out sheath for free.
We butcher deer in the fall for people. I've gone away with buying the new ones the steel just isn't that good IMO for what i put them through. I have been buying older ones online when i see a deal i should look up the ages of some of them. There is a gentleman in the town i work at who sharpens my knives during the season that has the whole history of the buck knives. ill ask him again there was a run of years they made them and the steel was too brittle and many knives were prone to breaking. It was interesting to learn some of the history of them throughout the years.

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