Caribou Gear

How many Montanans????

disapointed, was expecting a "How many does it take to Screw in a light bulb" joke..... w/a punch line saying something about being to busy screwing sheep .
Transplants are included in the count.

Noharleyyet, please don't use words that I have to look up.
I frequent this board often, as I am always in need of daily humor, however demented it may be. Stop the humor, sarcasm, and general "midget wrestling," and I will be spending my key strokes elsewhere.

As my Grandpa would say:

I've been to two World's Fairs and a pig fuggin' contest, and this is the funniest God Damned thing I've ever seen. :D:D:D

At least once a week, I make that comment about what goes on here.

Keep up the good work men. ;)
It will be 10 years in August. I am "one of those folks from back east"...Black Hills of South Dakota.:rolleyes: Sorry, I had a permittee tell me that once. I guess growning up 50 miles form MT is "back east".:D
Transplants are included in the count.

Noharleyyet, please don't use words that I have to look up.

That Sun of a B|$$$H uses werds liek that all da time. When I meat him.... And I will someday.... :p ;) ..... He's going to get it !!!
I lurk a lot more than post, I like controversy, and sometimes I stir chit a bit. I'm 47 years a resident of Montana, my great, great, great granddad road a horse and covered wagon to this little but getting congested Valley in Western Montana back in 1868, I guess I can start calling myself a native.
s-straight...then your gggrandad must have known my wife's of about the same era....ever hear of Bertie Lord back there?
1868 isn't that long ago... My house was built that same year.

My folks live on one of the 2 original family homesteads in the Madison Valley, my uncle lives on the other... The other side of the family lived in the area for quite some time. ;)

I moved out of the state about 7years ago now... but will never claim to be anything other than Montanan.
I post and lurk a little. My family and my wife's family didn't have the good sense to settle in western Montana. They all settled in the eastern non crowded part.


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