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How did the deer make it through the winter in your area ?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2013
Had to drive to Bozeman for work meetings and I had a extra half day so I drove all over SE Montana and was surprised to see all the snow gone . Did the wildlife fair ok this year ? Curious as to what people are seeing.
One wildlife biologist in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is estimating a 40% winter kill rate this year. Lots of snow still on the ground.
In eastern North Dakota it is still full fledged winter we have lots of deep snow . At my place I’ll have 20% winter kill I’ll bet . Last year it was 30-40% . We need a break .
Seems like the deer took a beating in northern Park County. Even down in the valley we had two feet of snow on the flats for what seemed like forever and quite a few of the ridgetops that normally blow clear remained snow covered too. Seems like the elk can root down through it to forage almost as good as a buffalo but the deer have a much harder time of it. While out coyote hunting (on skis) I found two pronghorn and one mulie doe the 'yotes had pulled down. After some freezing-thawing cycles the snow got enough of a crust for the coyotes to run on top of it while the poor old critters with hooves kept punching through at each step. Same conditions the wolves use to hammer the moose.
Noaa estimates 50% less snow pack here in south east Alaska, good for the Deer. Bad for the wolfs, and our power bills.
I was a little worried, here in central Wisconsin. February was absolutely brutal, but luckily December and most of January was decent here. I’ve only found four dead fawns so far on our property, so not terrible. Winter of 2014 we found 16 on our 240 acres, of all age classes. The dent on the population was extremely noticeable that next fall.
Been rough in northern UT from personal observations and in a unit with collars, 30 out of 30 fawns have died.
Was also worried about my area in NW Wisconsin. However, I have been seeing tons of deer around. All the snow is gone right now. Bad news is 10-15 inches Wed-Thurs. Good news is it won't last long. Have not been seeing many turkeys this spring however......
North central Ohio had a pretty early winter, most of the heavy/brutal snow came in Nov before deer season. I've seen more deer, earlier this year on my drives to & fro to work than I have in the past four. Saw my 1st turkeys today, also about three weeks earlier than normal. Should be a good season as far as I can see so for.
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