Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

How Broke is your state??

Orca Lover

New member
Aug 15, 2004
Spanaway, WA
OK guys, How desperate is your state? What taxes are being imposed or already are in effect that are just stupid?
Washington is trying to tax SPAM |oo the luncheon meat, not the crappy email!!
Hmm, I hadn't heard about a spam tax. Do you have a link to something I can read about it? I do know they are increasing the cigarette tax, and that's one I definintely agree with, because I won't be paying it! hump
They'd probably make more money if they taxed the internet spam. Lord knows that is an endless supply. :rolleyes:
Oh my this si the topic got me in a fight with gunner i htink it was one got banned for other chit to, well sicne yall know and know what my typing prob is this be ok :), well cigg taes is high why we have private cigg store kinda it like mini one it lessmarlboros we pay 3dollars a pack i last for 3or 4days, they trying to make this social security thing wher eu pay in and they wipe ya out when ur ready to retire u got chit and mainly here they either fire ya or they make ya quit if ur lucky u be forced to retire it bs, i am so mad at that:BLEEP:
california,washington and oregon are supposed to be the most broke states. seems strange that a state like montana with so few people and so much land has more money than california.( must be a blue state thing)
Actually I think the new governor (Christine Gregoire) is doing a good job, and I didn't vote for her. She has replaced 4 people on the fish and wildlife commision with people who supposedly are more sportsmen oriented, instead of only caring about commercial fisherman. And she is making the cleanup of Puget Sound a priority, and I think that's a good thing. But we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I agree with that part. The sound needs to be cleaned up bad. In fact as soon as it is cleaned up it might increase the fish populations and the Orca's might stay a little bit longer. I was just saying the tax on spam goes along with all the other taxes that she wants to pass.
Quick Draw

PS I didnt' vote for her either
I actually dont know where my dad heard that from WH. And just for the record, there is so much PCB in the sound that a "clean up" job would not make any changes to the wildlife that any of us will see. Yeah, the cig tax is a good one, but seriously... the gas is getting outrageous. I didnt vote for her just because she is cheesy and fake!!! But we will never actually know who won the election, will we? It was almost as bad as Florida with the "hanging chad" situation!!
It’s easy to figure out...
When these people get zillions of bucks, they spend it like drunken sailors.....
If they don't have the money, they have to be a little more fiscally conservative...
After living in Washington most of my life and seeing the goings ons of these people, it is easy to see why they are broke...
One little thing that really ticked a lot of people off is when Marble was put into the elevators in a Government building at the behest of Governor of the time, and that is just the tip of the ice burg of the mentality of these royalty type ...
Yeah I do have my doubts as to whether Puget Sound can ever be cleaned up and the salmon and other wildlife populations recovered. As long as the human population continues to increase like it has been, there is not much hope. Without the growth our economy goes in the shitter so we're screwed either way. Oh well, 18 more years and I'm outta here! I'll retire and move to Montana or Idaho, and contribute to the ruination of those states, along with all the other Washingtonians (and Californians.) :D
What you just got here and you already want to get the hell out of Washington? Can't blame ya there. This state is getting too crowded. It's all those damn Californians moving here for the cheap(er) real estate.

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