Sitka Pre Season Savings

How big?

Looks massive in the front photo, not so much from the side. I suck at judging pronghorn, but if this wasn't posted by anyone else I wouldn't think he breaks 80 yet. Are they done growing by now?
I'm going with 80-6/8 and a range from 78-2/8 to 83-2/8.

L 14-2/8
P 5-5/8

B 6-4/8
1 6-7/8

2 4-1/8
3 2-7/8

Unfortunately we'll never know the actual score, but it's always fun to practice field judging.

Also, I think there's a reasonable chance that the buck is a 2 year old. His face appears young and dainty to me with that bug eyed look.
I also can't see that goat being more than the low 70s from those two pictures, but Eli is the expert here! I do think he looks pretty young and has some real potential.
If his prongs were a couple inches higher up could the 2nd quarter measurement be below the prong, so you would have 3 circumference measurements below the prong and 1 above?

***In order to have the third circumference measurement below the prong the swell of the prong has to be slightly higher than half the length of the longest horn since that third measurement is supposed to be at exactly half the length of that horn.