Caribou Gear

Hog Hunt


Active member
Jul 31, 2015
I was unable to make it to Wisconsin for the rifle whitetail season. This was the first time in 20 some years. I just had to much going on. I told my dad we would look at doing a hog hunt down south in the spring with my two young boys.

I was lucky enough to be asked to go on a hunt with a guy from another site on his lease. We left here last Wednesday night to get a start on the trip. We finished the drive the next day and we were able to hunt Thursday night.

I had my older son in a blind and my dad had my younger boy with him. We were hunting over feeders but it wasn't as easy as some would make it seem. They are pretty wary. At 6:45 we had 3 turkeys come in, then it almost at the same time 2 hogs came running in. It was like they were racing the turkeys into the feed.

I didn't care about shooting one as much as getting my kids one so I told my son to shoot first and if the other one gave me a shot I would shoot. I fixed my gun on the hog he wasn't shooting at. Right as he pulled the trigger one of the turkeys jumped up. He missed, I then swung on his hog cause it bolted thinking it may have a bullet in and I wanted to get another. If I would do it over I would have fixed my gun on his hog and then shot right after him. He hasn't missed before so I took it for granted he was going to drop it.

Shortly after that I get a text from my dad saying my younger son shot a big one. It was a really big boar. Funny cause our goal was to shoot smaller hogs because we wanted to eat them. Lucky for us he didn't smell to bad and the meat seems to be really good.

The next few days were cat and mouse with the hogs. They would seem to show up at other spots, late or early. My dad did get to shoot at another one on the last night but he missed.

It was a great trip and we will do it again. Forgot my main camera and only had my phone big mistake.

Super!! Though I've not killed any that big, I will say the one's I have shot ate very well.
Thanks guys I have the head skinned out and in the freezer. I am going to attempt my first Euro mount with this guy.
That's a big nasty looking might want to get your sinus's checked.:D

...crafty critters aren't they?
I love hog hunting. Try to shoot at least one or two every year when I travel to Florida for work. Low 90 lb, high 150 lb. Never had a bad one.

Massive boar, Is it worth eating? The trophy size makes it worth shooting.

I have always thought the 60 lb to 150 lb were the best eating. On wish list, never done it!

Young man should be proud!!
Massive boar, Is it worth eating? The trophy size makes it worth shooting.

I have always thought the 60 lb to 150 lb were the best eating. On wish list, never done it!

Young man should be proud!!

The guy we were hunting with said if you want them to eat shoot them around 100lbs. The problem was this is the only one that came out in front of them that day. He didn't smell so we cleaned him up.

When I got home I was cleaning up the meat to freeze and put away. I sliced a small part from the back strap and fried it in olive oil with some S&P and it tasted great. I have a big ham I am going to smoke and make pulled pork with it.

I have the head skinned out in the freezer. I am going to try my first Euro mount with him.
The big hogs like that I keep the hams off of to make ham since they get brined and smoked anyway. There's not much for backstraps for chops, so I grind the rest of it for sausage and mix it with domestic pork for some fat content. Never had a problem, just have to clean them good.
Any advice for someone wanting to do a DIY hog hunt?

Well, I'm guessing from your tag you may be from Northern MN? In that case, Oklahoma is a really good area to start looking. Texas is fun, but I've heard they actually charge you to shoot hogs there... I refuse to pay to kill a feral species, a varmint for that matter. Not too far away, but far enough it makes for a great trip with friends.

Here's some good advice I was given once.

- Plan ahead, bring more ammo than you think you'll need.
- Bring a rifle that you know will kill a hog.
- Look up maps of public land, Land atlas, plots land, etc
- Call the local game and fish department in whatever state you're planning on hunting
- Put an ad out in the local paper where you're going asking for private land to hunt
- Bring an abundant amount of meat storage... If you plan on eating it or donating it, it needs to stay fresh
Ya I wouldn't look at Texas for a DIY hunt. I was fortunate enough to meet a guy from a site that has a lease.

The hogs move around a lot. He said if they turn the feeders off they will loose them until they turn them back on.

I was going to pay just cause I promised my boys to take them. I agree it sucks to pay for a feral species but it really isn't that much. We could have done it for under 1000 for all 4 of us but like I said I was lucky enough to get invited by a guy who was a great guy and will be a great friend.
One other note while down there we got invited to kill hogs off of two other places. We stopped at a hardware store in a small town on the way to the ranch. I needed an extra cooler. They found out we were hog hunting and a guy asked if we got a spot. He said if we were having trouble finding them to come to his place and gave me his number.

I guess a guy could drive around small town to small town and luck his way on a place to kill a few but it would be a risky adventure you may not find someone let you on there place to hunt.

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