Caribou Gear

High Country Muley

awesome story

I love this site. So many wild amazing stories you know this one probably has to be a top five for me. I love the way it is told and laid out. Good on ya fatrack I'm sorry it didn't work out for ya in the end but I'm a huge believer in karma and I hope one day you are repaid. Next year just get back in there and find his friends again.GOOD LUCK!
That sweet 700 yd poke I took on the way down there, well, the turrett never got zero'd out from that shot...correctly

The death nail of turrets. I've been warned by Crittergitter a thousand times to always move it back after shooting and I inevitably forget. Luckily I haven't done it on an animal yet but it's coming.:(
What a story! Great pics
You are a great example sir of a Good Sportsman with this..
interesting story and potential ending..... I keep waiting for a post saying "I got you all".... "I didn't really miss"... but it hasn't came yet. Tuff ordeal right there, lucky kid.... right place, right time?
This isn't the first time someone has had "their buck" shot by someone else. Some guys eat lucky charms for breakfast. Great pics and story none the less.
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Bummer deal, but sweet mission you were on. Thanks for sharing the pics and story.
Talk about a blast to the bag. Zero stops are definitely the way to go. Thanks for sharing your pictures and story
Well, I've been waiting for the punch line where you kill an even bigger buck. Looks like just a punch. You found a great place to chase muleys; thanks for sharing.
What kind of boots did the other guy have? Danner Pronghorns?

Sorry couldn't resist. Had to be a serious wave of highs and lows when putting in the time on a buck like that.
How did it unfold with the other guy? Right place right time or was he hunting that buck also. Was he on the buck before you started shooting?

I'm curious about this too....Has to be more to this story....
It definitely was a great adventure and even though I didn't tag that buck, it will remain one of my most memorable hunts. Honestly, one of my most favorite parts of it was the summer time scouting. Great weather, not another person around, some of the most awesome country you could imagine and lots of game out and about....and, you don't even need a tag for it! Seriously, guys, you owe it to yourself if you haven't done it, pick a spot, even a "dream location" and go spend a long weekend in early August. It will probably become the trip of the season.

So, the "other guy" who was able to harvest the buck,. Great kid, and he too put a lot of work in on this buck. Come to find out, he had been archery hunting in there for the entire week prior to the season. Which is a great way to go about these hunts....hunt the last few days of archery and then roll right into the rifle season. Heavy D was pretty visible, I lost him for a 3 day stretch and pretty much every other time I was in his high country hang out, I could find him. This fact stressed me out, because I knew if anyone else were hunting the head of the drainage, chances were pretty high that he was going to be seen.

So, the "other guy" had seen and hunted him with his bow for an entire week. But, HD lived in a pretty tough spot to bow hunt, I think it was doable and I'd love to have another chance at it, but it was a pretty tough spot. Needless to say, he never got to within bow range of the buck so as rifle season got closer, he switched gears and tried to figure out how to kill him opening morning. We pretty much had the same plan, but my spot on the ridge gave me a better angle into HD's living room, which gave me the jump on him. Come to find out, the "other guy" couldn't see the buck at all, and after he heard my shots he though the gig was up and HD was dead. As he packed up his stuff and worked up the ridge from his spot, he caught HD slipping out the bottom of the drainage and had like a 200 yd shot at him. He had definitely put his work in and deserved the chance to take the buck, and he capitalized on it. I still keep in touch with him, he's a good hard hunting kid that gets it done.
The death nail of turrets. I've been warned by Crittergitter a thousand times to always move it back after shooting and I inevitably forget. Luckily I haven't done it on an animal yet but it's coming.:(

Learn from my mistake, Install a Zero Stop!
Wow.....That was a rollercoaster for sure.
What an amazing adventure.
I am with you on the scouting for the hunts is the best part. NO timeline, no rush, Way less people. get to see some awesome critters.
Sounds like you really put in the effort, I am sure the next adventure will have a different outcome
Yo Kyle, I feel you man. What’s a bigger kick in the crotch, that story or the fact that Cal from meat eater and mr OnX put your Montana honey hole on YouTube!!!??? Judas. All they need to do is give me, your wife, and you some more ram tags. Haha.