Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Hey westy and the rest of you guys in AZ


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
here is a cut and paste from terry.....
I am taking my kid.

I don't have to work this coming Monday and I'm hoping the MMBC will convene again. I've also got an idea about how to possibly add a little spice to the event.

How about an honor system competition among MMBC members? This would not be a tournament or anything else formal that requires a permit, insurance, hall monitors, xray inspections, etc. No cash prizes and no dealer incentives.

Just a friendly competition to see who can catch the (1) biggest LM (weight, not length), (2) the greatest total weight for 3 LM, (3) the biggest any-other-kind-of-fish, and who gives (4) the worst angling performance of the day as voted on by fellow competitors (based on testimonials at the "weigh-in." Anglers must use legal means of take, obey all lake rules, and fish from a boat. Fish alone or with someone else, as you wish, but each person would compete individually.

No dead fish penalties, no live fish bonus.

Only fish caught between 0530 and 0900 (by my watch) would count. Only people who register in advance, perhaps by e-mail to me, no later than 1800 (6 pm) on Saturday, could participate.

Event limited to the first 20 boats (40 anglers) that sign up. Unless I decide to allow 25 boats and 50 anglers.

Launch whenever/wherever you want (as long as it's on Saguaro!), but just count the fish that you catch between 0530 and 0900. "Weigh-in" at 0900 sharp on the flat river-right from Shiprock. No need to bring fish to the "weigh-in," just come and report your honor system results.

Whiners, whether losing or winning, would simply be shot. Except those whining to compete in Category #4.

Unlike the Hotel California, in this case there would be no need to check in, but you would have to check out to win anything.

I would provide a very modest prize for each of the four contested categories. Modest by my standards is worth more than a dollar but a lot less (a whole lot less) than a Ferrari. Actually, I already have the prizes on hand, and will find another use for them if this does not work out.

All rulings on participation and results would be the sole responsibility of the One and Only Judge, which would be me, unless someone else would like to serve such a distasteful function, in which case I would happily roll aside.

Sure, Labor Day on Saguaro will undoubtedly suck, with lots of PWCs, Boat Ramp Horrors, Wakeboard Woosies, and all kinds of other inconveniences. Some folks will even have to work that day, or miss the event for failure to set alarms or for whatever reason. Signing up by 1800 on Saturday would also be an inconvenience, precluding those last minute decisions we all love to make.

Those things, and probably many others, are all really great reasons not to do this. But, the question you've got to ask yourself is this, "Do you feel lucky?"

I've seen some of you grow old trying to organize a BBQ on this site. So let me say up front that I have no interest in negotiating consensus rules. I won't invest that much time. If there is enough interest to play by these rules, I will play (and pay) on Monday. If not, I will just go fishing and keep the prizes myself.

Remember that you get what you pay for, and this would be a totally free event.

Are you interested?

OK, I'll bite. Been watching for months but have not posted here before. As delw says, this event is a done deal. The rules have been laid down, the fish are waiting, and the prizes are ready to be claimed. We've already got enough boats and anglers to make a field.

The question is, do the Elkpellet Numnutz Twins have the cajones to come to AZ on Monday and put their lines in the water instead of on a website and prove they are capable of more than idle chatter? I'll bet not, but as PortaJohn says, there's always room for two more assholes!

Relax guys, no matter how poorly you do, you'll do better than I will!
This is their best...One of the few that try to stand up against our continual onslought....The rules are good and the contest seems real...Lets see the pics and read the stories to prove it...So far for this whole summer..I have seen one outing, there is what 40-50 of you fish turds out there and you can only get one get together....Well I did read about a little get together a week or so, but this big contest that we keep reading about and expecting, just keeps disappearing in to the atmosphere like liquid smoke... :D :D :D
One problem, some of us still have to work a real job on Monday mornings. Unfortunately I'm one of those people.

Sorry count me out, sounds like fun though.

LOL.. my vid cam took adump and I have to send it back... I have no other digital camera.... I have a regualr camera but I am to cheap to get the film developed
This twin already had plans. Sorry to dissappoint you. I would very much like to be out there on the lake with you fisherwoosies. If for no other reason but to show you up :D
We've got the photo thing covered. Twice. ned02 is the official photographer and my younger son NateNoShow (my backseater) will use our digital camera, if he shows (he has delw's disease -- he's lost control of his alarm clock).

If I have any, I can give delw the photos via e-mail and he can post them to his heart's content. I wouldn't know how to post them myself.

See www.azbasspro.com for the names of known and suspected MMBC Labor Day Bassbusters Classic contestants, and other relevant information. Please note that none of the contestants are named after CWD-infested cervids. Still hoping that the Numnutz Twins will come on down, and join me at the bottom of the weigh-in list.
Well guys, I've got a new job that requires me to work M-F during the day, and sometimes on sunday.
However, if you all have room,I will bring my SMALL boat out and have room for one more.
It is at Saguaro at 0500, on this monday 9/2?Hope to see you all there!
Well better leave now, got to get to work, ave to drive to Havasu for the day.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-31-2002 07:03: Message edited by: Mntman ]</font>
Thanks for the well wishes.
I spent an hour in Havasu after my job was done watching all the babes at the river and hated to come home. What a Bummer:( forgot to take my camera. Did'nt know my partner would be cool with it.
So, is it the 2nd boat ramp at saguaro at 5 am? I have a 2nd for my little boat already and we will kick butt.
Got my secret weapon back from the shop and it works this time Westy

SEE you all there.