help help help any and all help appreciated ky bull elk tag


Active member
Jul 15, 2016
Daytona Beach
So this morning I'm reading through the forum and I see that some one has checked and didn't win the ky elk lottery so it gets me thinking that I should go check. Now let me explain I lived in ky when they started the introduction but moved away before they started the hunt. Each year I've applied but never had my name come up. So this year I checked and found out I won. Week 2 firearms bull elk. Awesome . But I've never even been elk hunting before so any and all help would be appreciated
I'll be calling ky fish and wildlife tom to start narrowing a spot.

Please any and all info or advise would be greatly appreciated.

P.s.happy mothers day to all the mom out there
Well Congratulations! I am sure there is much local knowledge there. Find out who past hunters where and ask them about strategies. Coming from MT, I'd like to know how they react to human pressure (where they go when people are int he woods). How they respond to calls. I can't imagine you have a lot of elevation to worry about, but I'd still want to be in the best shape possible, so start now. Then start scouting. Know your areas inside and out: food, water, and sanctuary sources.

Then I'd start thinking how I'd like that bull mounted...
Get acquainted with quartering an animal in the field and backpacking it out. Lots of good videos and lots of good packs out there. I'd be willing to bet most of the tag holders don't know how and that will limit where they go and how they hunt.
Congrats on the tag you beat some very long odds on that tag. Hopefully someone has some local knowledge for you. I live anywhere from 1-2 hours of most of those areas. I'd love to draw someday since it is so close to home. Can't wait to follow your story this fall good luck.
Not every hunting elk before, I would consider an outfitter.

Maybe one the local Hunt Talkers would take you for the experience.

That is a special tag. If I had it, I would be talking to an outfitter. Such a special tag!

Whatever you choose, cherish that hunt. Truly once in a lifetime!
Based on some of the research I had been doing, I would put in for one of the limited access areas, almost all have 100% sucess rates based on previous years' info. The Kentucky Fish and Wildlife website has a lot of info on success rates and access areas. As a resident who didn't get drawn, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little jealous.
I was waiting for someone here to draw a KY tag. Congrats! That rifle tag has some terrible odds. Last year it was 1 in 764. There were 900 total tags available in kentucky between cow, bull, archery and firearms seasons. This year they reduced the tags to 700. Last years odds of drawing the tag you just drew were .0013%. They were probably way worse this year.

With those odds and the animals that come out of that state I would hate to eat the tag. I would definitely consider an outfitter. Congrats again!
Do your research on LEAs and choose wisely. Then if not successful there do the same for the the Voucher areas. For instance some of the LEA's have been utilized to supply elk to other states and the populations may not be as high as they once were. Also, some LEAs have areas with weapons restrictions.
I would seriously consider an outfitter if I where in your shoes. There are some giant elk being taken lately in Ky. They will have some great access lined up and should be very much in tune with the area elk herds.
After looking at everything and talking with people on Facebook I've decided that I'm not going to due my first trial run on a tag like this and I'm going to go with an outfitter.
Does anyone here have a specific one they like for the area. Next question is a 308 to small for elk. I'm getting mixed messages mainly people fearing they may run onto private before expiring.
Thanks robert
An elk doesn't care what just shot it through the heart. An 08 with a proper bullet will do the job nicely. Partitions, accubonds, or some of the copper bullets would be good choices.
Unfortunately with the long odds of drawing that tag I doubt many here can verify an outfitters reputability. I'd find some outfitters and ask for a client list so you can talk to their past clients.
I've got a friend that is a very successful Elk Guide in KY. I'll PM you his info in case you are interested.
Very good call. I think your on the right track. Just check out the outfitters well before booking and a 308 will do fine on an elk just get a good bullet with proper placement.