Hells itch


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2019
Anybody ever had hells itch and if so did you find anything to combat it besides cortizone and benadryl? I've been sunburn a million times and never had this...it blows!
Nope, but I just got over a bad bout with poison oak (preceded by chiggers which put me on antibiotics) and used a combination of ibuprofen, Zyrtec, and prescription strength hydrocortisone (2.5%) to keep my sanity.
Anybody ever had hells itch and if so did you find anything to combat it besides cortizone and benadryl? I've been sunburn a million times and never had this...it blows!
I can't even begin to explain what I go through a couple days after a bad sunburn. After my last bout I heard that the best way to get relief is to get in as hot of a shower as you can stand. Unfortunately, I read that tip after it was over. During the attack, in a panic, I sent my wife to Walgreens and told her to buy anything on the shelf that could possibly help, I didn't care how much it cost. Everything just seemed to make it worse.

Honestly, I feel horrible for you. I've spent hours on end writhing around the floor in agony. I tend not to talk about it because each time I try, everyone tells me about the time they had a bad sunburn. They don't understand.

Good luck to you. It will end. Try the hot shower and let me know if it helps. I feel your agony.
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Yeah, I get Hell's Itch. Nobody understands it, except the people who actually get it.
The only relief I get is from water. I have never found a spray, lotion, or pill that made much of a difference, and some seem to make it worse.
Fill up your bathtub and lay down in it, to get (some) relief for a while. Alternatively, you can stand in the shower, with the shower head
focused on your worst areas. Good luck, I really hope that you get better soon! Try not to scratch!
I've only had it three times, I got really careful in the Sun after the third escapade.
It is the most irritating, agonizing thing I have experienced, but it does go away after a couple days.
Hang in there, and let us know if you find anything that helps!
I've only had it three times, I got really careful in the Sun after the third escapade.
It is the most irritating, agonizing thing I have experienced, but it does go away after a couple days.
Hang in there, and let us know if you find anything that helps!
I’m terrified of the sun now. I don’t go outside without a shirt no matter how hot it is. Those light Patagonia long sleeve, hooded shirts are my best friend.
Man I got it one time after a day on the beach catching blue crabs. that night I ran high fever and had chills and then The next day after fever subsided hells itch started. I had never heard of it, but I will never forget it. I really thought I was going crazy. And the only thing I’ve ever had close was an allergic reaction to something pesticides I got into at work. I have no tips to help combat it other than prevention. Now when I am at the beach or something like that, I don’t care what people think, I will be covered up like an Amish preacher to avoid that again. Nobody wants to see my white hide anyway!
Never heard of it, but i do get poison ivy terrible. a couple years ago i got poison ivy so bad it literally covered my body except for my armpits for some reason. Complete misery, had to go to the hospital twice. I feel for you.
Anybody ever had hells itch and if so did you find anything to combat it besides cortizone and benadryl? I've been sunburn a million times and never had this...it blows!
How are you doing bud?? I’ve been thinking about you all evening. I think we need to start a support group for survivors of Hell’s Itch. It’s psychologically traumatizing.
How are you doing bud?? I’ve been thinking about you all evening. I think we need to start a support group for survivors of Hell’s Itch. It’s psychologically traumatizing.
I'm doing pretty ok. I took some pain pills they gave my wife after her C-section and some antihistamines that they gave her when trying to get her to dilate. Plus I have some cortizone on it. Its not terrible since that stuff kicked in. I'm afraid to shower. Haha
I got this for the first time ever this year. Had lots of sunburns over the years with no aftermath. Hells itch lasted almost a month and I couldn’t find anything that helped, tried everything I could think of or read about. It drove me crazy, miserable. Good luck
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