
Ya that's where he was aiming... I new to elk hunting but now at least I know that I need to shot them in the head at 700 yards and that my camo is real important at that distance. Lol
I suppose there are people who are good enough shots to TAKE that shot with some sort of confidence....I am not one of them :) The longest shot I have ever taken was 360m and that was perfect conditios with a rock solid rest and I still had to think twice. I can't think I would take this shot.
Another windbag with a fancy rifle hawking products and trying to make a name for himself.
If you think that was disgusting, you should see the one where they take hair off the top of the rump of a big bull standing broadside at over 800 yards. The bull jumps and turns, running straight away and the guy bolts another one in and lets fly hitting the bull in the back of the head. That one is entitled "Amazing Head Shot"! It's bad enough that anybody is trying for a brain shot on a living animal at any real distance, but to then put the videos out on Youtube is really disgusting when hunters are already battling every day to keep the sport alive.
Totally disgusting! This is the kind of crap that will kill hunting. Jackasses all around...unbelievable!
Just think if this guy lived in Montana and SB197 passes he could be mentoring a 9 year old.
It will be interesting to see if there are any comments on this thread by the videographer, who is a member of this website and whom I've had some heated conversations with regarding his ethics on the MM site where he goes by the username wapitiwhistler. He has made some very good videos, but ones like this and the other one I mentioned do so much harm to hunting that it makes me sick!
It will be interesting to see if there are any comments on this thread by the videographer, who is a member of this website and whom I've had some heated conversations with regarding his ethics on the MM site where he goes by the username wapitiwhistler. He has made some very good videos, but ones like this and the other one I mentioned do so much harm to hunting that it makes me sick!

Just for the record I dont know the guy, I just posted the video. Not trying to stir the pot or anything. ;)

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