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Have you ever been attacked by a cougar?

A Coworker saw earlier this month. Another coworker saw it about a week later. I heard it three nights and quickly finished my stop and got back in the work truck.
I am with Stocker grizzlies hey the are there. Cats while I've never seen on in the wild, they just creep me the hell out.


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If we're talking about mountain lions, I've only seen 2 in the wild. One was huge, about 1/4 mile away, going the other direction. The second one was a young lion, probably 50 lbs max, saw him walking by at about 40 yards. Squeeked on my elk call and he stopped, sat down, and looked at me for a few minutes. I got a few pics and he wandered off. Was never worried since it was a small cat, and was not acting aggressive. Actually a cool expression. I was more worried about the bobcat that stalked me to within 10 yards, he could only see my head as I was sitting behind a log, so probably thought he was stalking a rabbit.
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FWIW if you got the kinda Moxey to stand down that charge like Doc Holiday saying "I'm your Huckelberry." If you can tap into that at the moment of full draw on an elk you may just solve that problem.

Cool story, glad you and the pup made it out unscathed.
Been within 15 feet of one with my bow while on a deer hunt. Had an easy shot. I like the fact that we have big wild cats that can choose to hunt you, makes hunting more interesting. I've never been able to shoot one myself.
Sketchy experience once, but I didn’t wait around to find out. Night calling in Montana, kept hearing a weird chirpy sound. Definitely moving on the ground but it kept circling around me and I couldn’t see it in the thermal. Didn’t know what it was, but it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck and I felt unusually creeped out. Figured I should listen to my gut and get back to the truck.

Googled mountain lion vocalizations the next day and SOB if that didn’t sound familiar. I still call at night but I listen to my gut a little more.
I'm debating it today
Bought a Springfield xd in 10mm couple weeks ago. Fun to shoot. I carry slugs or buckshot on my stock when mountain bird hunting because of shit like this.

PS I want more details.
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A friend of mine got a new handgun and asked if I wanted to go out and do some plinking. We walked up a gated BLM road to an ATV tail that made a gradual climb for a couple of miles up to a big pond. It had snowed that night so there was about 4 inches of fresh snow on the ground. We spent an hour or so at the pond then went back to the trail where we noticed two sets of cougar tracks right in our tracks. The two sets of tracks went back on the trail four about a mile where one of the sets had come into the trail from the west. The other set went all the way back to the road. It felt like the cat had been following us the whole time, but it is more likely that because the ATV trail was the easiest place to walk, we had both just chosen the same trail. There was a small spot of blood in the now about every 20 or 30 yards so we figured the first cat was probably a female in heat and the second was probably a male who had absolutely no interest in us at all.
Once in 1970. I had just mowed her lawn...oh , wait.

Several times been too close for comfort hunting & hiking and such. Stalked a few times.

Used to watch them in the Park drag deer across the lawn near the campground and office. Bury them under a bush behind the office. Saw that 2 times. I would not tell anyone and the bush was right under the supervisors office window. My office was in maintenance...

Scariest time was when we trapped one at a friends ranch that had been killing sheep. CAG&F warden, NWS trapper and I had set the trap. That big tom was enough to just see, let alone 2 feet away and pissed.

On a bright note I'm going shopping today and maybe I will run into Hope.
Now what if I am older?
Me either.
Until this morning.

H O L Y S H I T that was scary. It didn't make contact but stopped at about 6 feet, with me yelling and screaming at it. Worthless bird dog didn't do shit, probably was waggin' his tail.
My good friend had a mountain lion acting like the one in the video, kind of. Except more direct and less walking backwards. He said he only had time to draw and shoot like a recurve, with his compound, as the cats running straight at him.. he genuinely feels the EZV saved his life or he would have missed with pins, with no way to range on the dime… he was 6 miles back on an elk hunt and went back to camp to wait for the warden he called. They drug him through hell- even though he was honest and made the call. Ultimately no legal trouble, thankfully…
Very scary. I shot right over a real nice bull yesterday morning- it would have been my first…. I get like you when I see my target, and the moment is nigh…. Hard to say id be calm enough to smoke the cat as it’s coming for my throat…


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