Have people lost common sense


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2013
So took my lab down to the river to get her a swim in. Was amazed the boat ramp was almost empty so I go to the far side to throw her bumper for her where ill be out of the way of any trailers or boats. couple throws in a guy 40-50yrs old walks by with his dog on a leash, then he proceeds to walk down the same ramp almost right up to me. His dog is super jealous of my dog swimming and wants to go in. My lab is alll business wants no part. I am pretty annoyed since he has no clue what my dogs demeanor is and i have no clue his. While my dog is swimming back in he drops the leash and lets his swim out. Of course it swims right to my lab who is thankfully nice but you could tell super annoyed that this dog is trying to steal her bumper. At that point I look over "Dude seriously, I mean no disrespect but I don't know you or your dog and i'm over here by myself." He proceeds that his dog is nice and all and i inform him he is damn lucky that isn't my wire hair out there because she would have ripped his dog a new one trying to grab a toy from her and let his dog sink out there. He then acts like i'm the ass and leaves. I guess it worked in the end but come on. Some peoples kids. Maybe its the heat or my bitter self but I keep seeing this kind of dumb ass none thinking in different aspects. Tell me its not just here in WA? Maybe I just need some more mountain therapy away from the city.
No doubt man, at least that's all it was.

When reading that I thought you were gonna say they got tangled in the leash as the dog swam out.

Fortunately my dog is as antisocial as me and when there's a bumper to be had he's clueless to any other dog
I used to live in a big city, I'd take my dog to the dog park from time to time, this particular dog park had a section for small dogs and the other for large dogs. One day, two ladies were sitting in folding chairs allllllll the way to the end of the large dog area with their small dogs. My dog did his dog thing, ran around the park and finally walked up to the ladies and their small dogs. The old hags lost their shyt because my dog wanted to play with theirs... You CANNOT make this shyt up. The small dog area was empty, not a single dog, yet these two idiots thought it'd be a good idea to go chill at the dog park, in the main area, and not want to be "bothered" by other dogs.
One of millions of reasons not to have dogs. They’re just a headache overall. Even when you don’t have dogs you still have to listen to the damn neighbors mutt bark every freaking time you go in your own backyard! Damn I hate dogs. . . I like mule deer mounts and bear rugs though😆
One of millions of reasons not to have dogs. They’re just a headache overall. Even when you don’t have dogs you still have to listen to the damn neighbors mutt bark every freaking time you go in your own backyard! Damn I hate dogs. . . I like mule deer mounts and bear rugs though😆
Brutal..... a dog fulfills the companionship a man needs 10 times better than any woman in this world and that's probably being too polite 😁
One of millions of reasons not to have dogs. They’re just a headache overall. Even when you don’t have dogs you still have to listen to the damn neighbors mutt bark every freaking time you go in your own backyard! Damn I hate dogs. . . I like mule deer mounts and bear rugs though😆
I had one good duck dog and a snake bite got him. Since then it’s been more about mule deer and duck mounts. I don’t have a bear rug yet. Maybe one day. I have a rule. Any animal that comes inside my house has to go through the taxidermist first.
One of millions of reasons not to have dogs. They’re just a headache overall. Even when you don’t have dogs you still have to listen to the damn neighbors mutt bark every freaking time you go in your own backyard! Damn I hate dogs. . . I like mule deer mounts and bear rugs though😆
People speak human, not dog, that's why they're stupid. Had a buddy over and his shepherd and she pushed my super submissive shepherd to the limit and my girl sent her to the vet to get three staples in her face. Talking to my trainer who is super salty and been training shepherds since the 70's said, "even the most submissive bitch can be pushed too far".
People speak human, not dog, that's why they're stupid. Had a buddy over and his shepherd and she pushed my super submissive shepherd to the limit and my girl sent her to the vet to get three staples in her face. Talking to my trainer who is super salty and been training shepherds since the 70's said, "even the most submissive bitch can be pushed too far".
I have Rott like that. Boundaries. mtmuley
A guy told me today that common sense cant be taught🤣 probably some truth in that
So took my lab down to the river to get her a swim in. Was amazed the boat ramp was almost empty so I go to the far side to throw her bumper for her where ill be out of the way of any trailers or boats. couple throws in a guy 40-50yrs old walks by with his dog on a leash, then he proceeds to walk down the same ramp almost right up to me. His dog is super jealous of my dog swimming and wants to go in. My lab is alll business wants no part. I am pretty annoyed since he has no clue what my dogs demeanor is and i have no clue his. While my dog is swimming back in he drops the leash and lets his swim out. Of course it swims right to my lab who is thankfully nice but you could tell super annoyed that this dog is trying to steal her bumper. At that point I look over "Dude seriously, I mean no disrespect but I don't know you or your dog and i'm over here by myself." He proceeds that his dog is nice and all and i inform him he is damn lucky that isn't my wire hair out there because she would have ripped his dog a new one trying to grab a toy from her and let his dog sink out there. He then acts like i'm the ass and leaves. I guess it worked in the end but come on. Some peoples kids. Maybe its the heat or my bitter self but I keep seeing this kind of dumb ass none thinking in different aspects. Tell me its not just here in WA? Maybe I just need some more mountain therapy away from the city.
It’s odd - Not really sure what the guy was thinking there or how that move would be safe in their mind. Not a dog park or impromptu dog beach...he clearly put your dog and his at risk without understanding how or why. Hopefully when he tells his friends what happened they can offer him a broader perspective on his actions like “What if the dogs didn’t get along” or something reasonable. Dogs aren’t kids and this clearly wasn’t a play date.