Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Have a good thought for me


New member
Dec 26, 2005
Modoc County, California
Well bow season opens Saturday. Three weeks ago my sight, Trophy Ridge Guide Series Matrix, fell off the bow. Trophy Ridge says they'll send the part i need to fix it. Great! Took a while to get here, but it got here Thursday last week. One problem it was the wrong part. I'm not knocking Trophy Ridge, chit happens. Trophy Ridge is sending the correct part, it'll get here Tuesday, maybe. So I throw my old/backup on, Copper John Dead nuts three pin. Well being an idiot I broke my thirty yard pin yesterday. How you ask? Well I'm an idiot at heart apparently. Well I got it figured out that I'll be good out to 40 yards. A friend says I'm getting all my bad luck out early. i don't know about that. Anyways send a good thought my way this weekend, I'd appreciate it, and I need all the help I can get remember I'm an idiot. Thanks.

P.S. Due to work at best I have 6 days, but most likely 4 days, to hunt out of a 23 day season.
Get after em' hdog! I went up to our place by Burney last weekend and checked the game cams...two small bucks + the neighbor had a bear on his. At least the temps down here will be a balmy 110* ... something to escape from :eek:

And heeler.......

Don't you start in on me too Marv. When the sight fell off my wife says Buy a new one. I say No no thats not necessary blah blah blah. We were in the Cabelas in Reno later the next day, says my lovely bride again buy a new sight. Says I no no thats not necessary.

Well as I said earlier I'm basically an idiot. Let the kicking while I'm down begin...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................NOW:D
:D:D:D ...blah...blah...blah..yessss dear! LOL! Been there on just a "few" occasions myself (that bit me in the I-told-u-so butt).

I've had a handful of sights over the years but (for now) I'm really sold on that Spot Hogg...that thing has been banged around more than a sorority sister and has stayed the course!

Good luck on the opener there buddy! I expect pictures !! hump
Well at least the rabies vaccine isn't that big a deal anymore if that campground rat takes a chunk out of you :D

...Does that Corral fire change your hunting plans at all (guess it's just about out though)?
Sweet merciful crap

Now this is getting obscene. I'm 15 minutes from the end of my shift, and next thing I know I'm working until 1130. WTF !!! A 15 1/2 hour day. I'm supposed to be sleepy night night at deer camp. I know what your thinking shouldve bailed any way. Unfortunately I'm the guy you call when the chit hits the fan. I'm not bitching about the job. I'm bitching about the fact it seems the moon and stars are lining up against me hunting. Good grief. On the upside the family gets up we're heading out in the morning. My girls (wife and daughters) are intrigued with going out with me. i figure they can help me spot, and sit back and watch the stalk. So I'm pretty happy with that. Gotta stay positive, mainly cuz it aint pretty to see me cry. I'll take photos of any other mishaps, roadblocks, anything else that can jam me up.

Marv that fire is pretty far south of where I'm headed.
Marv that fire is pretty far south of where I'm headed.

...rumor has it that a strong wind out of the south kicked up and the Corral fire jumped its lines...I believe they are closing all state and federal lands to the north of the fire.... :eek:

;);) jus' fuggin with ya brah! Stick a good one, I'm not going out till the morning- have a wedding (yeah..he's a non-hunter type :rolleyes:) to go to today:rolleyes:!
Well no joy this weekend. Saturday was HOT, HOT, HOT!! Only got out for an afternoon hunt. Heard some big trees go over in the burn area, which was real comforting when walking through. Found some lion tracks also, as always a pleasure. Looked over these areas



Sunday hiked two ridges over from camp. Found a guy that beat me there in his pickup. So I backed out, and hunted elsewhere. Deer were bedding as soon as the sun hit the horizon. Saw this little fella

Also saw somebodies Momma


Also saw this Osprey feeding the youngun's.


Still had a good time. Heard a rumor that pisses a guy off too. Seems a 60 yard shot was taken. Seems the deer took the arrow through the skull, in at the base of the neck, and out through the nose. Second arrow put in to it, and cannot find the deer. Pretty irritating. I'll be out again this weekend, may try a different area, and I should have my #1 sight back on the bow.
Yeah it was dand hot last week...better this week though. I'm heading South of the Shingletown area this weekend for a look. Gotta love the idots (should the rumor be true) taking head shots at big game...that or he/she fugged up something real bad on the shot...gives the anti's plenty. Same thing happened West of here a few years back in the French Gulch area except the little forky decided to die in someones front yard! Don't think that caused a bit of a ruckus?
UNBELIEVABLE got the part today, and again wrong part. I sent an email this time with photo's. Hopefully that'll cure that problem. On the upside it's Thursday, and this run of luck has got to turn sooner or later.
Damn heeler...if your a true modocer you should be able to get up and running with bailing wire, duct tape, and a 3# rock! WTF's the deal anyway???

...giving you some (obvious) chit...we were just told the part(s) for our little 3.7Mw hydro plant are now 45-60 days out!!!!!
Well got close but no cigar Saturday. Closed to a shade less than 60, but with my tribulations with the sight I'm only good to 40 at best. Had a great time. No pictures though, forgot the camera in camp. Got back from the morning hunt Saturday, and took me a little nappy nap. Woke up to my oldest daughter telling my youngest daughter to go, and go faster. Not in the normal sibling way, but in that way that wakes you up, and you immediately know something is wrong. Long story short the girls were playing in the creek near camp. Dogs get real interested, and real pissed off at whatever is on the other side of the creek. The creek is 3 feet wide at best. The oldest looks up, sees something about two feet tall, long tail, yellowish tan in color trotting away. Must have spooked when my wife walked towards the girls, on the side of the creek "it" was on. Sonofabitch the girls were stalked by a lion, thank God my heelerdogs were with them. If they ever got into a scrap with a lion they'd lose, but they would willing get into the scrap to protect whats theirs, and the girls are theirs. I grabbed up my sidearm of choice, and went looking for it. Found some sign but not it. So I guess in the course of the "unluckiest" hunt I've had in a long time I hit a HUGE patch of good luck.

P.S. To Marv: how do you think I'm good to 40 yards if it can't be fix with bailing wire, and duct tape it can't BE fixed.
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