Caribou Gear

Happy birthday, America

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
For the last few years, we've been heading down to Wisdom for their Fourth of July parade and fishing. It generally leads to some fantastic days on the water, far too many cocktails, lots of good food and enough laughter to last a summer.

With my wife being in Michigan visiting family, the dog & I headed down on Saturday to meet up with some friends. The fishing was fantastic, hitting both the Big Hole and some small brookie streams. It's been a while since I've fished small streams for brookies and was giggling on each cast as the little bastards fought for the fly. One or two brookies may have been launched out of the creek on a hook set. We also floated the Big Hole and had some decent action and wet waded on the 4th for some epic dry fly action, searching for heads and tossing small flies on long leaders while the dog licked up cow turds and stood in the river avoiding the flies and skeeters. I didn't take many photos while fishing, just casting to risers and searching likely holes.

The parade itself isn't the biggest in the state. There's no free beer like there is in Lincoln, and there is no fisticuffs or fireworks like Butte. It's small town parading at it's finest. This year, they did two passes on main street. In previous years, they've done 3-4 depending on the size of the parade. Crowds this year were larger than years past, which is fantastic for the valley and the towns. The parade is the usual mix of horses, firetrucks, wagons, old cars and lots of candy. Forest Service, NPS also participate in the parade with wildland fire trucks, a vintage 1940's Willy's Jeep and lots of smiles.

I do love this valley and the people in it.









Agree with the of my favorite places on planet earth.

Took a detail there in the mid-90's to inspect contracts with the FS...found a lot of good fishing while on that detail. Any body of water that will float a fish...does.

Plus, Wisdom just doesn't change much.
Probably because of an early...or is it late, frost?

Tough to tell in that country.

We were down there a couple of weeks ago and it was bad enough to suck you dry in 20 minutes if you didn't deet up. There was more water in the river than I've seen in a long time, and standing water everywhere. Still a massive amount of snow in the Beaverheads to come down yet but water is wadeable, standing water is going down and there some fat swallows waddling through the air gorging themselves, but the entire float, we were skeeter free.
Ben, any grayling?

I caught a few when I was working there...but spent most of my time fishing the mountain lakes. Some of the lakes were unbelievably good, cutthroat up to 23" footballs...sight fishing them and hitting nymph's on the drop. Have some pics around here someplace...

I should really spend a week and revisit some of those lakes, just to see if they're still as good.
We were down there a couple of weeks ago and it was bad enough to suck you dry in 20 minutes if you didn't deet up. There was more water in the river than I've seen in a long time, and standing water everywhere. Still a massive amount of snow in the Beaverheads to come down yet but water is wadeable, standing water is going down and there some fat swallows waddling through the air gorging themselves, but the entire float, we were skeeter free.

Tried to hike into Berry Lake in the Beaverheads a couple weeks ago. Tons of snow up high.

You could literally fish everyday all summer long and not hit all the water in that valley.
No grayling from the river, but we did get my FIL into them in one of the lakes. Mostly chunky brookies and rainbows, a few decent browns.
That's the America I feel I served in the Army for. Good hometown values and people who give a $hit about each other, and pride in their community and country. Coming up for the bear hunts makes me happy to know these places exist. 'Merica!!
I've found no finer place.

I was there for a short bit Monday night. Just long enough to lose a couple Mepp's in Willow branches. Headed back up on Friday as soon as I can get our of this cubicle.
We had our similar yet very small parade & town bbq in Quemado yesterday.....About a quarter that size,with the biggest crowd I have ever seen in town,a town of maybe 400,crowd was about a thousand.Parade lasted all of maybe 20 min......with the most fun the post parade line of travelers backed up on the Pieway/US rt 60 by Catron county sheriffs at either end of town....all wondering what had just happened & all of us waving to the lines of vacationers.....LOL.
I love this photo. It's quintessential Americana.

About 20 seconds later, the John Deere ran out of gas. Luckily, I found a shovel to lean on & supervise while the boys pushed it out of the way. :)

Hank - sounds like a grand time!
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