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Hands down best comedy on Netflix


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2015
West of the Rockies
Oh man, I got sucked into this one, saw a video on FB(see bottom of post, you can just listen to it too) and then found this documentary, absolutely hysterical, I’m only 30min in.

If anyone is like minded to this theory, I’d love to pick your brain, and we’ll keep it civil, obviously.

In all honesty, this dude is a genius. He knows he can manipulate people out there, gets insane followers on YouTube and people enjoy watching his videos because to us (us being round earthers) these videos are just comical. Now he’s getting paid by YouTube for his followers watching the videos and for us watching the videos to get a good ole laugh. Essentially he decided to make a mockery of himself in order to get a following and make a living off this, power to em.

Don't waste your time on this.....

The standup comedy specials really shine on Netflix. Anthony Jeselnik might be the funniest human alive if you are into dark comedy. Louis CK is on his way back.
His one point was he was standing on a beach north of seattle and he points across the water and goes "look, there's seattle, if it's round we shouldn't be able to see seattle" he was probably 20mi away tops. I was like well if that's seattle, where's san francisco or portland? What a looney haha
What part of last weekends hike was flat?
You are thinking too small. Expand the scale of your perspective. All our hike did was go up and down. The only circular motion was you flipping over that log into the creek.

I think I will get a flat brim hat to show solidarity with the movement. Do they make them in MAGA red?
Man knew for centuries that the earth was flat. Then came all that technology and the mind control conspiracies that accompanied it. I am thankful that Randy11 shared with me words of wisdom from the patron saint of the thinking man . “You can’t believe everything you read on the internet.” - Abraham Lincoln
I am About 20 minutes into it and I am having a hard time getting through it. Unfortunately with one of my jobs I often come into contact with individuals that make flat earthers look like Rhodes scholars
I don't know, I've had plenty of people tell me they went to the four corners of the earth while looking for a lost item. Then when they can't find the item they tell me it must have fallen off the face of the earth. I presume they saw this face while going to one of the corners. So not only is the earth flat it is square or maybe rectangular or perhaps a parallelogram and it has a head or at least a face that is steep enough for something to fall off of.
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