Gps info

12 guage

Oct 23, 2010
Looking for a good quality and user friendly gps unit and have no idea on what to buy. I have never used one so would like to keep it as simple as possible. Would be used for walking trails and maybe a few maps nothing else.
oregon 450 t is what i have and i absolutely love it. reasonable price and stellar performance. has topo maps already dowdloaded. best o luck
I have trouble turning on my computer, but I seem to be able to handle the Oregon 450 pretty well. It seems to be pretty straight forward. I was even able to download and find some geocaches with it, pretty exciting for someone of my skill levels!
We all have the Garmin rino 120`s, they also have the talk to each other capabilities as well as marking waypoints and different stats,,if the wife and I are capable of using them, I would think anyone could
I see cabelas has the garmin 550 t on sale in the $350 range,,,is that a good unit or should i stick to the 62 t or 62 st?I use the chips in whatever ill use.
I used the basic yellow $100 etrex until recently. It works fine - position accuracy is the same for all of them. I decided I wanted the map feature, to use with huntinggpsmaps. I now have the Garmin 62st - also works great, and has buttons instead of the touch screen. My wife has the etrex 20 mapping unit - slightly smaller screen, but very similar. I decided I did not want to deal with a touch screen.

They all work well, just different sets of features. Watch out for sunlight readability.
I don't think the 550 has any more advantage then the 450...and you could save even more. I've used mine for over a year now for bird hunting and big game, and it's been a great unit. Bells and whistles are nice...but do you want to screw around with your gadget all day or hunt.
cabelas has the 550 t for $349 on sale thru the 4th of july,,,was mainly planning on the 62 st or 62s butwould like input on the oregon 550t if anybody has used both?
Dont know much about the oregon series, but i have the dakota 20 and i love it. Great little unit and about as user friendly as it gets!
Can not go wrong with garmin oregon units. Any of them..personally i like to have a good camera with me so do do not extra for the garmins with mediocre camera included.

Oregon 550t for $350 is a great option at a good price.
cheapest ive seen the 62 st is about $430 ish,,,referb about 369,,,but the oregon550t new for $350 im seriously thinkin of pullin the trigger on a 550t instead,,,,is the 62st better or not?
Does anyone use the DeLorme units I can get a screaming deal on one from Promotive $260 for their top unit and $440 with the InReach unit. I think this would be nice since I discontinued my Spot this year.
Do a quick search for Whtl_in_MT or some such poster's name or you may have luck search for DeLorme PN-60. He has shown a lot of the functionality of the unit your describing. That is a screaming deal for those two units. I need to see if I qualify for that deal...

While the unit might not accept that chip, it allows for, IMO, better mapping by being able to upload the GIS files from the federal/state agencies. These should be provided for free and can often be found on the web. I don't have one, but that is why I will have one when I get a new GPS. Not having the chip would be far from a deal breaker for me.
I did a search and found some interesting stuff. If I understand it correctly, I can make custom maps and upload them to my GPS. Can I use KML files to build the maps? I have the HuntingGPSMaps overlays for google earth, can these be imported?

Part of the reason I wanted the GPS maps was for the public land boundries; which I currently have on paper maps, but thought it seemed pretty slick to have the boundries on the GPS. Right now I only carry a GPS for emergency use, it is a Garmin Foretrex 401 wrist GPS, and navigate with map and compass. This is also goign to be the first year I have hunted on broken BLM/State land down low, and am a little concerned with knowing exactly where I am to avoid tresspassing.

I know I want to get the InReach system, but I need to do some more research on the GPS unit.
I can't answer your questions regarding the use of KML files, but if you contact DeLorme via email they should know. I have gotten prompt answers from them when I've asked questions.

Land ownership and unit boundaries are the two major reasons I want the PN-60. The maps that come with the unit supposedly depict public land, including BLM. The way I read the information on their website, you can get the shapefiles from the agency and they have a program that will convert it to be displayed on the unit. Here's a link to the software (it's gone up quite a bit in price since I looked last year!)

In the long run I think it'd be cheaper than buying chips for multiple states, especially given how much of the info is available for free or through their subsription service. It's definitely a more "techy" option than a Garmin and the chip, but one that I think offers better flexibility.

Do some looking on their forums and you should be able to answer alot of your questions
I just got the Garmin Oregon 450 and downloaded some free 24K topo maps online. Cabelas has the 450 on sale for $229. Pretty hard to beat that deal I thought. I bought this based upon the recommendation of a dedicated geocacher (although mine will be used for hunting). I think it is that price until the 4th. I might spring for the Hunting GPS maps, but question whether I need that over the current 24k topo map I have in it now. I believe where we will be hunting in Idaho is all public land (more research needed). If it turns out there is any question as to ownership, I will get the HuntingGPS map for sure. Good luck in your search and let us know what you get and how you like it.
I just got the Garmin Oregon 450 and downloaded some free 24K topo maps online. Cabelas has the 450 on sale for $229. Pretty hard to beat that deal I thought. I bought this based upon the recommendation of a dedicated geocacher (although mine will be used for hunting). I think it is that price until the 4th. I might spring for the Hunting GPS maps, but question whether I need that over the current 24k topo map I have in it now. I believe where we will be hunting in Idaho is all public land (more research needed). If it turns out there is any question as to ownership, I will get the HuntingGPS map for sure. Good luck in your search and let us know what you get and how you like it.

I have this unit myself, and love it. I got the HuntingGPSMaps because I'm all over the state, and I use it for big game, and bird hunting (very beneficial for the patches of blm, state, and access yes properties). For that made an excellent choice. Now you can afford to buy the maps too :D

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