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Got Scoped/Report

the nikster

Well-known member
May 4, 2005
Last Thursday, the 21st, I flew back to Idaho to get my knee scoped. I got my right knee scoped on Friday, December 22 at 6:30 am. I had a torn meniscus and some trash floating around, folding over, etc.
That afternoon I walked up and down the stairs on crutches being very careful but I still did it. I took ZERO meds. I used the crutches all day and was up and moving a lot. I did keep ice on it and kept it elevated if I was sitting down or laying down, again, no meds.
Saturday I peed my pants when I tried to roll out of bed. I took two of the pain pills, sat in the recliner and elevated my knee while I iced it. It was swollen too. About 2 hours later the swelling had gone down as had the level of pain so I got up. I moved around a lot, always on crutches. I took the pain meds as directed.
Sunday morning I flew back to Tennessee using the airport carts in both SLC and ATL to get around. No ice but I kept up on my meds. My knee hurt a bit when I got home so we iced it, elevated it and went to bed.
Monday was Christmas. Layed around most of the day. No ice, no elevation. But I took a lot of meds. I felt REALLY fluffy! My wife insisted that I use the crutches when I was up, so I did.
Tuesday I weaned off all meds, ice and elevating the leg. I walked a lot without crutches. I was slow, I was deliberate and stiff. But I did it.
Wednesday I returned to work. No meds, no ice and no elevation. I stayed all day using crutches about half the time. I took 2 ibuprofen when I got home cuz it hurt a little bit.
Thursday I went to work with no crutches, no meds, no ice and no elevating the knee. It was a bit tired and sore when I got home but almost no limp and 2 ibuprofen before bedtime.
Friday!! 1 week since surgery. No crutches for 2 days in a row. No pain. Very little stiffness. I believe I will be able to walk tomorrow with no visible sign of pain or weakness or stiffness.
Conclusion: My recovery may not be the norm but I am very pleased so far. I expected much more pain and a much longer recovery. I will take it easy for a few weeks but I am very happy with the decision to have surgery and with my progress so far. I recommend it if you have an issue.
I had my left knee scoped twice ( torn miniscus) back in 2000 and 2001 since the first surgery did nothing to stop the pain. The surgeries were a piece of cake and the recovery was not bad either for me. My issue is it ended my running career as I had ran 20-25 miles a week for about 20 years and after the surgeries I didnt have enough cushion in my knee to continue running. The doc told me I needed to take up walking and swimming as any high impact pressure on my knee would result in more pain and possibly more surgeries. As far as I am concerned that is like taking a hot dog to a steak fry! I do still hunt and fish like crazy, I just do it a little slower. Some folks can return to their regular physical routine after this miniscus scope surgery however I was not one. I hope you will be one of those folks that can continue all of your prior physical activities.
I have had similar scope tattoos, but never that far to the side. Makes me wonder if he flinched, double tapped or used the wrong eye. I get mine when shooting steep down. Anyway, I feel great this morning, gonna slip over to Bass Pro Pyramid for some gear.
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