Got rid of the damn elk and now we have these things


New member
Dec 20, 2000
Jackson, Wyoming
Yep, the elk that have littered the yard with their droppings have gone. Now we have these big critters running around the yard. I know the pics are not the best, but I at least got some moose pics in a hurry.


Last time I checked...bigger animal = bigger poop!(and probably more of it) HA HA HA!! Cool pictures. Thanks.

Oh geeze Elk hunter I feel bad for you ;)

That would be cool to have critters like that running around.

When life poops on you...make "elkduds!"

Thought of that as a practical joke on some of my enemies once, then got worried about if they got really sick, I'd feel badly about it.

Nice of these days I'd like to see a real live moose. Haven't seen many of your northern game animals yet. Still have Moose, Caribou, Sheep, Goats, and several others to go.
Well Bill, you can always move back to New York where all the animals walk on two legs..

Quit your complaining, someone might take it seriously.. You love it and we all know it.. Can't say I blame you. It's really pretty up there in that deep freeze you call home..

Hahahahahaha..............We even have dog or yote tracks on the roofs now. Seems they went right up the snow piles and onto the roofs. :eek:
Must be nice. Just walk out the door and get such nice pics. Just keep on complaining. I ain't feeling sorry for ya.
Maybe I can tie a few of them up for you to see come September. ;) You know, sometimes I have to drive all the way to the end of the road before I see anything. :D
No, I don't run a lodge near the park Ridge Runner. I run (sort of) a condo complex near the park. :D

[ 02-11-2004, 07:03: Message edited by: Elkhunter ]
Just go over and kick one right in the ass, they like that alot. Probably would leave the property in a flash.
Great pic Bill...You must have cooked some thing and Michele hid it on the roof, that is where the song dog tracks came from..LOL..
It is actully pretty funny to look at though. As you know there are 3 condos connected and it just wanders around on top of the condos. Brave little bugger though, it jumps off the roof onto the snow piles below.
Caribou Gear

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