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Got my turkey


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2011
Utah, after 30+yrs in MT
Went out last week on the opener to an area we have hunted and scouted regularly for the past few years. I am more of an ambush or spot and stalk turkey hunter (gasp!) vs a set up and call them in kind of guy. That's how I have killed all but a few of a couple dozen turkeys I've been able to take. We put some birds to bed in a few spots, and our group split up to different locations for the morning. I set up in the exact same spot as I did last year, settling in to wait around 5:00 AM. About 5:45, gobbles rang out in the creek bottom below me. It was a 50/50 chance whether they would pitch down to my side and come my way, but I knew if they did, I was in the right spot. Well, they did. At 6:25, this guy and about six hens came over the roll of my ridge at about 35 yards. He was gobbling and in full strut, putting on a show. He died within ten yards of last year's bird, and I never made a sound. Gotta love those spring mornings listening to the world wake up. Even better when you can get a bird.


Thanks all. Looking forward to some good eats. I've liked turkey schnitzel quite a bit from my last few birds. Thinking I'll try a round of nuggets this time too. Thighs and legs usually become some kind of pulled/shredded meat dish.
Nice Bird ,Congrats. I am like You Killed a bunch ,but I call em in. Except 4 years in North Dakota working the oil patch. ,I would glass em up up in the Coulees and stalk em. That was different but fun!.....................BOB!