PEAX Equipment

Good Old George- Friend of the Timber Industry

Yukon Hunter

New member
Dec 5, 2003
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory
I was kinda waiting to see someone else mention this...
Courtesy the Center for American Progress

"Apparently, the Bush Administration allowed the timber industry to open their
presents on Christmas Eve. On December 24, the Department of Agriculture quietly
announced that it was removing "prohibitions on logging and mining from 9
million acres of United States' largest national forest, the Tongass of southeastern Alaska." The Administration claims that the decision would "result in logging of only about 3 percent of the West Virginia-size forest." But Nicole Whittington-Evans of the Wilderness Society explains that the Administration's estimate only includes "the part of the forest they actually intend to log- the biggest and best
trees on the Tongass. What they don't mention is that to get to those areas, they will allow roads to be built through 9 million acres." The development could also "harm salmon runs by silting up streams and blocking access to spawning grounds."
FOLLOW THE TIMBER MONEY: Public Campaign, a non-profit watchdog group, notes
"the timber industry, which contributed $3.4 million [to Bush and his allies], has gotten an administration committed to promote more logging in the national forests." Similarly, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports that
environmentalists have "filed a barrage of lawsuits" to halt the Bush
Administration's logging plans -- something that has "infuriated the timber
industry, which contributed about $1 million to Bush's 2000 election campaign."
What? are you saying there paybacks going on here
just wait, the arctic oil fields are next
Just like Clinton giving space technology, computers and weapons-making equipment to the Chinese in return for their campaign contributions. Oh wait - that was illegal, accepting campaign money from a foreign government - so Clinton did pay back the money, via a loan AFTER he was re-elected.
Aw come on YH! Can't fault a man for gettin' a little wood!!