Gone Fishn


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
NW Iowa
Haven't been around much and have a lot of reading/catching up to do on the site. Fished a ton in SD this summer for walleyes and our last trip was to Lake Michigan. We had never done the charter boat thing and we really enjoyed it! We went to Kenosha, WI , just North of Chicago. We went out with Capt. Frank of Twenty-Four VII Charters. If anyone has ever considered doing a salmon trip check out his facebook page and website. Frank was terrific to fish with. He was a good teacher and his boat was a finely tuned fishing machine. We trolled 15 lines and strained the water for 20 fish. Mostly King salmon, but also 4-5 Lake trout and 3 Steelhead I believe. We brought home a bunch of meat. I have never cared for salmon from the store or restaurants, but I had to admit this has been quite tasty and we will have many meals to come this fall and winter. My youngest daughter got the biggest Salmon of the trip :)

Olivia Salmon.jpgSALMON.jpg
Very cool!! I did the Lake Michigan thing for the very first time this summer as well. We took our own boat so didn't do as good as the charters, but I couldn't believe how much fun it was!! I've got 4 big chunks of salmon brining now, getting ready for the smoker tomorrow.
With all that salmon added to this Falls big game harvest your freezer will be packed for the winter. Looks like a great trip.

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