Glorify Poaching?

Can't argue much with you on that one Jwill! The site is now promoting a 1 mile shot he will be doing later in the season---Is that BS or what on a friggin live animal!!!
'Morning all,
Michelle from Sportsman Channel here to clear up a few mis-led details on this particular episode. I have personally spoken to the Director of the Idaho Fish & Game and Bob Beck to sort this out.

What it boils down to is a simple mistake. Would any of us purposely risk a TV show, sponsorship dollars and much more? Or course not, and neither would Bob. He made a mistake with his tags. This is a misdemeanor and Bob has paid his fees and will do his time.

So let me get this straight. He filmed the green screen footage in the office AFTER he got home from the hunt and DETAILS how you can kill 2 deer in Idaho. He then CUT footage and AIRED the show. A concerned citizen smelled something fishy and called IDFG. They investigate and determine he doesn't have 2 tags. Bob is cited and that's when he discovered he didn't really have the second tag?

Sportsman's Channel knows about the run-in and calls IDFG and Bob. They determine it isn't that big of deal and let him air the show and promote it on the EOL site on the Sportsman Channel? No offense intended Michelle, but they're putting something in your water over there if TSC is willing to gloss over all this and still promote the poaching episode.

To quote Bob himself off his website referenced above "Until it was to late, I was unaware that any rules had been broken. Once I realized the problem, I did not compound the problem with any further attempts to try and make my situation worse. Once I was confronted, I openly admitted to the mistake."

I've read several of his other posts and comments and this is MY understanding.
He killed a buck and DIDN'T tag it. He then killed a second buck and tagged it. Went home to his cave and thought it would go away. 'Once I realized the problem, I did not compound the problem with further any attempts to try and make my situation worse" - would that mean you tried to hide it and didn't turn yourself in?
"Once I was confronted, I openly admitted to the mistake" - I'm glad it only took Bob 12 months to openly admit the mistake. What a stand-up guy!
I would love to have him as a business partner and can definitely see why TSC would make themselves look like idiots for this fine choice.

Michelle, there is a reason I will only let my kids watch 2 shows on TSC. OYOA and Meat Eater. If it wasn't a free channel in my area, I would have cancelled a long time ago. One of my dad's favorite sayings is "you can't BS a BS'er". You can't BS a groups of dedicated hunters with your 'turn-the-other-cheek' attitude to this GROSS NEGLIGENCE. Sorry, but you better find someone else to be your ...........:hump:
Interesting......and highly upsetting.

"State violations often result in loss of hunting privileges throughout Washington and in 37 other states that have reciprocal agreements.

That penalty, however, wasn’t employed in the case of Bob Beck, co-host of Extreme Outer Limits on The Sportsman Channel, much to the chagrin of investigating officers.

Beck pleaded guilty in St. Maries, Idaho, in February for failure to tag an Idaho whitetail buck he shot with cameras rolling for his show.

The Idaho and Oregon wildlife officers who investigated this case are shaking their heads at the outcome.

Beck was required to pay $2,600 in fines and restitution. Like anyone else who blatantly shoots two deer with one tag, he should have lost hunting privileges in other states.

But the Benewah County prosecutor cut a deal letting him off the hook for the suspension of hunting rights so he can continue to trot around the country blasting animals at 1,000 yards.

What galls officers and writers who have interviewed Beck, hearing him change his story and bend the truth, is that the system doesn’t always deal out equal justice.

Beck shot the first deer and took it into possession without tagging it, according to an interview Oregon State Police recorded with Beck and his lawyer. Then he shot a second deer and tried to cover the second deer with the tag that should have gone on the first deer.

His blatant violation and high-profile snub to the system warranted the penalty most average Joes would get."

Wonder what kind of "deal" the prosecutor got from Beck (and/or The Sportsmen's Channel) with all the "sponsorship dollars" and connections.....
Looks like they have set the precedent in Idaho. Get a tag and blast away until you feel like you are done. If you get caught bring up this case and continue to hunt everywhere else.... that seems about right doesnt it? Somehow I dont think that any of us "Average Joes" would walk away from an incedent like this with our priveledges... or our rifles in most cases.

'Morning all,
Michelle from Sportsman Channel here to clear up a few mis-led details on this particular episode. I have personally spoken to the Director of the Idaho Fish & Game and Bob Beck to sort this out.

What it boils down to is a simple mistake. Would any of us purposely risk a TV show, sponsorship dollars and much more? Or course not, and neither would Bob. He made a mistake with his tags. This is a misdemeanor and Bob has paid his fees and will do his time. But after that, the State of Idaho said they warmly welcome him back to hunting there again. We see this as a learning opportunity that mistakes do happen - even to life long hunters like Bob.

You can read more about this directly from Bob here:

And you can certainly email us at the link one of the members provided above, but you will get the same response, as I'm the one who personally answers viewers comments.

Thank you for watching Sportsman Channel!! We very much appreciate Randy's fans.

I cancelled my subscription to the sportsman channel after having it for 10 years. Not only Bob, but I'm sick of all the "proffessional hunters" selling their crap and brainwashing urban idiots who don't know any better. Long range, corn flingin', high fence, guide buyin', ranch leasin', auction tag buyin', landowner tag buyin' morons. The whole lot. I hope you guys go broke. :)
I cancelled my subscription to the sportsman channel after having it for 10 years. Not only Bob, but I'm sick of all the "proffessional hunters" selling their crap and brainwashing urban idiots who don't know any better. Long range, corn flingin', high fence, guide buyin', ranch leasin', auction tag buyin', landowner tag buyin' morons. The whole lot. I hope you guys go broke. :)

I cancelled my subscription to the sportsman channel after having it for 10 years. Not only Bob, but I'm sick of all the "proffessional hunters" selling their crap and brainwashing urban idiots who don't know any better. Long range, corn flingin', high fence, guide buyin', ranch leasin', auction tag buyin', landowner tag buyin' morons. The whole lot. I hope you guys go broke. :)

Excellent!!! I believe any of us "average Joe" hunters could do what these "pro's" on tv do given the same set ups. I'm not impressed by the 1 mile shots, impress me by pulling the trigger on your release @ 8 yds. I enjoy watching the shows to see the animals, but, really the rest of the shows are all BS. ( i do like a few. .OYOA and the Meateater though):)
I cancelled my subscription to the sportsman channel after having it for 10 years. Not only Bob, but I'm sick of all the "proffessional hunters" selling their crap and brainwashing urban idiots who don't know any better. Long range, corn flingin', high fence, guide buyin', ranch leasin', auction tag buyin', landowner tag buyin' morons. The whole lot. I hope you guys go broke. :)

On the money.
]'Morning all,
Michelle from Sportsman Channel here to clear up a few mis-led details on this particular episode. I have personally spoken to the Director of the Idaho Fish & Game and Bob Beck to sort this out.

What it boils down to is a simple mistake. Would any of us purposely risk a TV show, sponsorship dollars and much more? Or course not, and neither would Bob. He made a mistake with his tags. This is a misdemeanor and Bob has paid his fees and will do his time. But after that, the State of Idaho said they warmly welcome him back to hunting there again. We see this as a learning opportunity that mistakes do happen - even to life long hunters like Bob.

You can read more about this directly from Bob here:

And you can certainly email us at the link one of the members provided above, but you will get the same response, as I'm the one who personally answers viewers comments.

Thank you for watching Sportsman Channel!! We very much appreciate Randy's fans.
Find me at Twitter @ladysportsman Find Sportsman Channel at On Twitter @SportsmanChanl

Im confused is she trying to say everything is ok, and this was a mistake
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