Caribou Gear Tarp

Glad i went out this evening.

devon deer

Well-known member
Aug 25, 2011
Devon, England
I was in two minds whether to go out this evening, but in the back of my mind was the farmer was getting a bit fed up with the reds munching through his wheat.
I was striding, not stalking to get where i was going because the wind was wrong and couldn't believe it when i came around a bend and saw this red stag, the wind was blowing right up my backside towards him, but was he feeding away, i got the rifle on the sticks at the same time he lifted his head because he must have winded me, he looked right at me 50 yards away broadside.
He went straight down, i chambered another round, he got up! he ran out of sight, i ran around the corner just in time to see him collapse in the crops, i decided to put another into the neck to finish him.
Just getting through the last of the 30-06 rounds i bought in Montana last year.

He was a big stag and i am aching tonight!


that's a beautiful wild red stag.I have to get out your way to hunt one of these years.Be a tough choice between a roe deer or a red stag.Are the farmers pretty open to allowing hunting out there??Or is getting permission extremely tough?Seeing your country would also be very cool
Congrats on your stag!!!!Do they taste like elk at all?
Dang, how many of these can you shoot per year?
As many as we like, but a lot of us have self imposed limits.
I don't shoot too many stags, but i do shoot as many hinds/does as i can, the population has exploded in recent years.
that's a beautiful wild red stag.I have to get out your way to hunt one of these years.Be a tough choice between a roe deer or a red stag.Are the farmers pretty open to allowing hunting out there??Or is getting permission extremely tough?Seeing your country would also be very cool
Congrats on your stag!!!!Do they taste like elk at all?
I agree, it's a cracker, i very nearly let him walk, but the farmer would have been really pissed with me.
It's really difficult to get land to hunt over, but they never have a problem when i take a friend with me to hunt as they trust me and my judgement.
I would rather shoot a roe buck, easier to lift!

As many as we like, but a lot of us have self imposed limits.
I don't shoot too many stags, but i do shoot as many hinds/does as i can, the population has exploded in recent years.
I don't suppose there are a lot of hunters over there.
That's a very big free range stag isn't it? Good job! Why would you turn him down, how far did you have to move him, and how do you do it?
Thanks chaps

I don't suppose there are a lot of hunters over there.
Not in relation to the US, but it is the fastest growing arm of shooting in the UK, just not enough land around to satisfy all the hunters,

That's a very big free range stag isn't it? Good job! Why would you turn him down, how far did you have to move him, and how do you do it?
It is one of the larger stags, it was full of fat, we couldn't use a quad as it would have damaged his crops even more, luckily it wasn't too far, about 150 yards drag, but it was getting it up over a steep bank and barb wire fence, then it easy as i could drive the truck down to it.
As a thank you to my friend (he was at home with his feet up thinking about going to bed! when i rang him up!) i gave the head to him.

Shot it 7.30 pm, got home at 11.00 pm, not too bad


I wish I could get my wife on a plane to fish and hunt with you some time, Richard. How is stag meat compared to elk or mule deer?
I prefer Elk, red stag is just too strong for my liking, especially as it's coming up to the rut, red hind is nice, but Roe Buck is lovely, only had one meat on a par with it, your antelope.
BTW that is stag is a really nice stag, most aren't as good as that one, they take some finding, just like Elk hunting, lots of hours for little rewards, but when they come it's great!