Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Gillette area antelope issues

I hope not! I am bringing my daughter there this year on a hunt and hope to find a place to hunt one!
There are plenty of lopes. According to my contact at WGFD license section there were quota increases in some areas and cut backs in other areas. Rawlins area had winterkill.
Any new updates? Want to know if I should be concerned before putting in for leftover tags.
I drove two of the units near Gillette yesterday. I have only been out here twice before yesterday both trips being in the month of October 2018. So my experience is limited. I don’t think there are as many antelope here now as there were last fall. Now I don’t know Antelope real well. I would assume there patterns are different in the spring vs the fall. IDK. I did see a good number of does with two fawns each. Did not see any bucks that would make me want to come back looking for them. Just several in the 12-13” range.
Right now water and food are everywhere.

The goats can be anywhere. Scattered hither and yon.

But once hunting seasons start, pressure from the middle of the units push the antelope out to the edges where they ball up at highway side fences.

Then it looks like there's millions of them cause you can see them as you zoom by on the highway.

True story

Check it out next time you get the chance.