Gila rancher arrested in cattle roundup dispute


New member
Dec 11, 2000
next to the rock over by the tree on the other sid
(Silver City-AP) – A rancher whose cattle is being rounded up by the U.S. Forest Service in the Gila National Forest has been arrested and jailed.

Authorities say federal officers arrested Kit Laney around 7:30 p.m. Sunday.

He remained held without bond in the Dona Ana County Detention Center Monday.


This should make some of the board locals happy.

The government has rounded up this guys cows and are trying to take them to auction. All of the local auction companies are refusing to accept them saying the government does not own them hence they can not sell them.

Nice to see our government and judges going out of their way to screw it's cititzens.

[ 03-15-2004, 18:44: Message edited by: feclnogn ]
Fixed it. Its the one that says stroy. Stroy means story in some unknown language.
"Federal courts repeatedly have ruled against the Laneys’ claim of private property to federal land where they graze their cattle."

I think I remember this issue has been festering for a long time. What should we do, give the national forests to anyone who claims they own public land?
Yep, the judges and government have a lot of nerve, making a rancher get his cows off the publics land...and those pesky LEO's, not putting up with being assaulted by some wingnut lawbreaking wannabe marlboro man...I just cant stand that...
Originally posted by feclnogn:
(Silver City-AP) – A rancher whose cattle is being rounded up by the U.S. Forest Service in the Gila National Forest has been arrested and jailed.

This should make some of the board locals happy.

Nice to see our government and judges going out of their way to screw it's cititzens.
A jail spokesman says charges include three counts of assault on a peace officer and resisting and obstructing arrest.
The Courts have ruled that the Laney's have no rights to graze cattle on the National Forest system lands.

In April of 2003, the Gila National Forest became aware that Kit and Sherry Laney had placed cattle and horses on the Diamond Bar Allotment without an authorized grazing permit.
The case went to the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico where the Laneys were found in violation and contempt of the 1996 Memorandum of Opinion and Order and 1997 judgment.
On December 22, 2003, an Order and Supplemental Injunction filed by the U.S. District Court directed the Laneys to remove any and all owned livestock from lands administered by the Gila National Forest within 30 days of the Order (01/21/04), barring extreme weather conditions or other extraordinary circumstances.
The Diamond Bar Allotment was formerly under permit to Kit and Sherry Laney until the permit expired in 1996. The Laneys chose not to renew their permit and were subsequently ordered to remove their livestock from National Forest lands (U.S. District Court decision of April 3, 1997).

Do you really think the agencies and the Judges went out of their way to screw these guys? They chose not to renew their permits 8 years ago. They have been grazing MY Public Lands without paying a dime!!!

I don't know how you can defend this one, but I would like to hear somebody defend the Welfare Rancher in this one... :rolleyes:
The Diamond Bar Allotment was formerly under permit to Kit and Sherry Laney until the permit expired in 1996. The Laneys chose not to renew their permit and were subsequently ordered to remove their livestock from National Forest lands (U.S. District Court decision of April 3, 1997).
I've been following this for some time and this is the first I heard of them not renewing their permits. If that's the case, then those idiots get what they deserve, and no the goverment can't auction his live stock YET. Once they have impounded them and had to pay to care for them with out reimberesment from the owner of said cattle, they can place a lien on them and then auction them to recoup their losses. That is if I remember my livestock laws correctly.
Can't we already have a lien on them for the $1.43 per month for the months they have been on there?

Bottom line, as evidenced by the charges filed, these two are idiots, and they just help to show the reason we need to end grazing on public lands.
Originally posted by ElkGunner:
Can't we already have a lien on them for the $1.43 per month for the months they have been on there?
Thats a good question, but I think it's two seperate issues when it comes to live stock. You have to remember most of the livestock laws date to the days of the cattle barrons.
We (AZ) has a lot of grazing on public lands, but I (AZ)(*doesn't) don't see the problems you guys do. I'm not sure but I don't think the Ranchers here can put the load on the land you guys can because of our arid enviroment. The land won't support as many per acre hence we see less damage, at least in the areas that I frequent.
As a young man (read teenager)and before I went in the service I spent many years working on ranches and farms. The ranchers and farmers were by far the best stewards of the land I have ever known. I know 20 odd years later things have changed and the old men I worked for are long gone. It breaks my heart when I'm in here and see all the "Welfare Rancher" bashing cause it lumps some of the finest people I've ever known in to a very unpatriotic and vile sounding group. But thats the baggage I carry.
"The ranchers and farmers were by far the best stewards of the land I have ever known. I know 20 odd years later things have changed and the old men I worked for are long gone. It breaks my heart when I'm in here and see all the "Welfare Rancher" bashing cause it lumps some of the finest people I've ever known in to a very unpatriotic and vile sounding group. But thats the baggage I carry."

2fastnaz, you are not alone in that thought.
But the ( "unpatrioric and vile groups" ) are the very people that are spouting rancher bashing.
Not everyone here in Idaho share's this agenda.
I still know many good rancher's and know they are not all doing as Ithaca,elkgunner would have you all believing.
The agenda of a few wacko environmental greenie group's are pushing hard to get all rancher's kicked off public land's.
It started with the biggest wack job around (Jon Marvel -Western Watershed Project)(check out his web site's) find out what set him off years ago as a young boy.
Check out how it's all tied to the radical green groups that want to bring back the large predator's,stop logging,grazing,hunting,and most use on public land's.
If the gov impounded the cattle, there has to be REAMS of paper of evidence of their wrong-doing. That is not something that happens overnight or is even easy to get through, just too many checks, balances, and second chances.

2fast- Just some FYI, but there's a bill going to congress about a federal buyout of grazing permits and 70% of the ranchers from AZ were said to be in favor.

MD- Do you know of a rancher who is doing as some on here are accusing them of? I've met both the good and bad to the extreme and am glad to say that so far the former is more numerous than that latter.
HEY guys , there is alot more to this thing then you here in the news.both the laneys and forest are wrong, laneys for not paying there part and the forest for not living upto there part. this has got so out of control that no one is going to win.they cant sell the cattle in new mexico or send them out of state with out a bill of sale.NM brand law says that! if the forest would put a lein on the cattle they could sell and get their part. untill then its a mess, kit laney rode up and asked who has control of his cattle and they say on one yet and he trys to open the gate on his cattle and he is aressted for what is his . i know in alot of ways he is wrong and the LEOs for the forest are wrong . ruby ridge again.
I have to agree with 2Fast about the ranchers of 20-30 years ago, many if not all would let you hunt on their property and most would even tell you where they were seeing deer/elk/pigs/etc.

What are the rest of the "facts" that we are missing? Even at Ruby Ridge, the original fact was Randy Weaver broke a law, and had a warrant. (Failure to appear???).

In all of these cases, it always seems like somebody (Weaver, Koresh, or the Laneys) always cause things to escalate. Once that happens, erros CAN happen, and that is the part that is unnecessary.

I have never heard of the Forest Service picking up a phone book, and looking randomly for somebody to go throw in jail and sellt their cows.
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