Caribou Gear Tarp

Gifford Pinchot NF


New member
May 10, 2004
Washington state
Anyone ever bowhunt Elk south of Randle Wa and east of MT ST Helens ?,I scouted it yesterday and was not real impressed looks really brushy and verticle, looking for some help on a general area to camp and hunt out of on foot, I am trying a new area since Weyerhauser is locking the Winston unit down for fire and acess, any info is appreaciated
MadMax, it has been several years since I hunted that area but I would look a bit farther east around Johnson creek, either south of hwy 12 or on up to Packwood and look around the Skate creek area.
Another option would be to hike into snow grass flats southeast of packwood lake, used to be some nice bulls in that area. good luck
I hunted that whole area just before and after St. Helens blew her lid...

Went in to hunt it about 10 years after the great explosion and never went back.

The brush was so thick you could have been rubbing up against an elk and still only would have been able to smell it.

I figured by now the brush may have started to thin out a little, but it doesn't sound like it....

Good luck and hope you can find some thing good....

Jim has mentioned some areas that could be promising, you may try "back bone ridge" also...

There was a lot of game in that area and it shouldn't have been effected to much by the mountain blowing it's top...

Thanks for the info, we like to be able to do the trailer/camper camp and spot and stalk thing, so packing in to the wilderness does not work for us.
I have packed out way to many elk to want to do it totally on foot.
seems like it huh ?
Usually about the time I kill it, everyone has gone home and I'm on my own to pack out and then I have no splits at least , but still get plenty of "gee got any more of that elk meat?"