Gianforte Taking Another Crack At It

I say let's re-institute the Missoula "Arbor Day Kegger", gather what remains of the Mission Mountain Wood Band / Montana Band along with Pearl Jam for entertainment and rally in support of Montana values golden boy, Rob Quist.
I say let's re-institute the Missoula "Arbor Day Kegger", gather what remains of the Mission Mountain Wood Band / Montana Band along with Pearl Jam for entertainment and rally in support of Montana values golden boy, Rob Quist.
Is that the same MMB from the 70's? Used to drive miles in the snow to catch good music. Did have to fight my way out with the Basin Boys tho one time in Anaconda...LOL
I say let's re-institute the Missoula "Arbor Day Kegger", gather what remains of the Mission Mountain Wood Band / Montana Band along with Pearl Jam for entertainment and rally in support of Montana values golden boy, Rob Quist.

Agreed...that Arbor Day Kegger was something else. How can anyone argue about what Jeff Ament did to help get Tester elected and throw that bum Rehberg out? Tester has been a rock for sportsmen in Montana and across the West.
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What do you guys know about Rob Quist? I know enough about Curtis not to vote for her.
I know enough about Gianforte to not vote for him. Unless his opponent is Curtis.
Hopefully we can get someone like Tester. That's my kind of Democrat.
What do you guys know about Rob Quist? I know enough about Curtis not to vote for her.
I know enough about Gianforte to not vote for him. Unless his opponent is Curtis.
Hopefully we can get someone like Tester. That's my kind of Democrat.

+1 on this.
Curtis and Gianforte are not good options.
I have a difficult time imagining a scenario where Amanda Curtis can win a statewide election.
Rob Quist is a homegrown Montana man, who was an original member and leader of the Mission Mountain Wood Band. He has performed with guitar and song, often along with native American Jack Gladstone, across Montana for good causes. Quist has recently expressed strong statements regarding Montana values, which IMO, are shared throughout Montana.
Between Quist and Gianforte, I think it's a matter of preserving Montana values and nurturing the state's economy through tourism and agriculture versus promoting big business, more one-percenters, and ballooning the population of Montana.
Simple for me: Quist = preserving the Treasure State vs Gianforte = exploiting the Treasure State.
Quist was on the Missoula Talk Back radio show recently. Sounds like a nice guy and extremely liberal. He would get eaten alive in DC IMO.
Curious if Gigi's stance on transfer of public land "not being feasible at this time" has changed now that there is a majority that wants to sell or seize them, and a President who is an unknown entity on the issue?

And I'm sure if Rob Quist can handle playing in honkey-tonks across MT, DC won't be much of a challenge.
I've read about Quist and Gianforte. Any Independents toss their hat in the ring yet?
+1 on this.
Curtis and Gianforte are not good options.

+ alot. I didn't vote for Curtis last time she ran. I'm not voting for GG. I just don't know if Quist can beat GG. Maybe there will be a big backlash against Trump already and it makes it easier. I will say this for Curtis....would she be the first congresswomen with a nose ring?
Maybe there will be a big backlash against Trump already and it makes it easier.
Wondering the same thing. Would there be enough buyer's remorse by election time to flip Trump voters to the D candidate? I voted for Curtis over Daines but I think she has a bit too much baggage for most center-right MT voters.
MSA endorsed Curtis vs Daines. She came by one of our retreats and fired some weapons, had a drink, and talked sportsman talk. She's a good choice for sportsman. I 've never talked with Rob Quist yet. Gianforte's stance is not good. He's a hunter but doesn't understand what it takes to manage lands for wildlife and recreationists.
Gawd...I knew it was too good to be true that Gianforte would be gone after losing Governor....I am screaming inside
With the Right now in complete control of Congress and the Oval Office and the corresponding despair of the pro-public land community as a result, someone explain to me how sending another Republican to build on their stranglehold will help the situation. I know a lot about Ken Miller (from my hometown) and you don't want this Tea Bagger any where near Congress, and Greg Gianforte is like the nightmare that just won't go away. I'm a partisan for sure, don't deny that, but unless PLT is also in the Democrats Party platform it is a partisan issue, I don't know why anyone would be in denial about that.
I crashed a lunch party that the local Democrat organization hosted to listen to Quist and ask him questions. There were about 12-15 of us there. When asked what he was passionate about his reply was that public lands access and opposing the transfer of federal public lands to state control was his number on reason for running.

Given the current political climate in Washington and the Republican Party's position on public lands, I'm thinking he would be a great choice for Montana.
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