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Getting the Hounds Legged up for Bear


New member
Apr 18, 2004
the west
I have been taking the Wolf Pack out for a hunt about every chance I get now that all that nasty snow is gone hoping to get them legged up for bear.

Recently, I road-ed the wolf pack down the road and had a friend along. We had driven to a running herd of elk, stopped and collared the hounds, then threw them down to go pick and strike for lion. They waded through all that ole stinking elk scent and started down the road casting for a cat.

The breeze was quartering us and I notice two or three of the dogs stop and throw their heads in the air, then begin moving toward whatever they had winded. The ground was open along their paths and dogs have to learn to strike and catch with those conditions.

I told my hunting buddy those darn hounds are winding a lion or something. Shortly, they all stopped under a tree where the pine needles were thick and I spotted a dead dead just ahead of them under the next. The deer was covered in pine needles and was a fresh lion kill.

Well, the dogs got to the dead deer and started to open on track and were soon gone. My hunting buddy and I got the cameras out and documented the deer and then followed the hounds to the tree to shoot more photos. The dead deer was what you commonly find, a complete carcass with the rib cage opened and the goodies all gone.

Another fun day behind the Wolf Pack!
Living the Dream, making it happen along the way and sharing it with others on the way past!

Keep'em treed!hump



Great pics and nice story! One of these days I'd love to get in on a chase, especially with a tag in my pocket... :D