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Getting old. HELP!

Z Barebow

Active member
Oct 24, 2011
I have been in denial for several years, but I need vision correction to read (aka- bifocals).

Being an outdoors person, my vision is critical, especially for distance.

I have a pretty severe prescription and wear toric contact lens. (Have had correction since 2nd grade)

I went to the optometrist yesterday and she set me up with a contact to optimize my far vision (Dominant eye) and left lens for close stuff (For reading). Jury is still out on this and whether it is a solution or I should accept bifocals. I do wear glasses, but for less than 2 hours a day. Hunting with them sucks due to fogging, dirt, etc.

I am primarily an archer and seeing critters from afar is important. Glassing through binocs is huge also.

I am wondering if I should just use bifocals for reading and get contacts which optimize my distance viewing. (I have a desk job and view PC monitor all day long)

Looking for experiences of anyone else in the same boat.

Thanks in advance

I only need glasses for distance vision. I have glasses, but I have to take them off to read close up. The goofy thing is...if I have my contacts in, I need glasses to read, so I just got the cheap reading glasses at Wal Mart. I usually wear my contacts and have my rifle scopes and binoculars set to that vision. I usually don't wear the contacts or glasses when I shoot my bow, since the vision is odd looking through a peep sight and the peep sort of clarifies the distance vision.
When aging caught up with my vision, (far sighted) I started wearing bifocal glasses. I resisted even trying contact lenses for one hunting season. After a snowy cold elk hunt when my glasses constantly fogged, nearly were lost as on & off they went in order to glass the elk. I persevered and ended up with an elk and a cold retrieval out of the mountains with nothing but problems with the glasses.

I now wear the contacts anytime I am outdoors and most of the day. I still have bifocals for reading and for computer work in the morning before putting in contacts. Life is so much easier in the outdoors, especially when hunting, so I strongly recommend them.
I should have worded it better. I wear contacts all day long (And only wear glasses after taking my contacts out). I am a threat to society without any correction.

I am thinking some cheaters to supplement contact wearing might be an option.
Z Barebow after reading your post I had to check and see if you wrote it or if I did, your vision problems sound way too familiar. I have stayed with contacts with more of a distance prescription, it makes using binos so much easier, then the second the contacts come out the bifocals go on. I buy reader glasses by the case at Costco and have to use them with my contacts to read. For now I'm staying contacts for outdoors, then bifocal glasses. I keep asking the optometrist if Lasik eye surgery is an option but he says for me it probably won't work. Getting old sucks, but what can you do?
I have the gradient bifocals - I find them much easier to deal with than the ones with the line. A friend I shoot with recommends the Zeiss precision bifocals - apparently the "distant" area is much larger.
Going one up.
I have a cataract in my right (dominant eye) driving at night kills me. Raining, just not gonna drive. The reflection is like looking through a dirty pair of glasses or windshield. Doc says it is time for a no suture operation to get it back to normal. Not happy, but know it needs to be done. Funny thing is, now I can go without readers unless small print books. Bottom line, sucks getting old!
Scheduled for February unless somebody cancels.
i had lasik done and immediately had to start wearing readers. seems counterintuitive, but the do warn you it can happen. still glad i got the surgery as it is so much nicer not to have to put on contacts at 5am in a dark tent. life's a tradeoff sometimes.
I did the Lasik to restore my distance vision and now wear readers. Much nicer to be without glasses except when reading.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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