Caribou Gear

Gas Prices and 2011

I leave Mississippi for my WSMR Oryx hunt in New Mexico 3 weeks from today... hope the price stays relatively decent for a while, anyway.
This is why I'm buyin' a gasser! I'm not sure the premium you pay for a diesel is worth it right now the way fuel prices are goin'.
too high here.. thats all i know for exact prices. I guess those who blamed Bush for being an oil man and causing high gas prices have to wonder what the hell they were thinking now?
All our material suppliers are talking monthly price increases. Freight sur charges haven't lapsed since the first 4 dollar fuel.

And now you know why it's called petroleum jelly. :mad:
$3.50 for #2 in Wisconsin, I put on 5,000 on my western trip and probably another 3,000 running back and forth to my whitetail grounds, thats going eat up alot of money I had planned towards gear.