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Gaiters - Do you use them


New member
Mar 12, 2017
How many of you use gaiters? I haven't in the past but have also experienced wet boots as a result of wet pants. Thinking about picking up a pair, but curious what others think.
If it's raining in NM. Sometimes in deeper snow.
I have Cabellas goretex ones, but would like some Kenetreks.
This was another thread... That was mainly for snakes. I have them for rain and those dewy mornings.
The dewy mornings are what I had in mind. Hate wet feet. I have to assume they work pretty well for combatting wet grass.
Depends, but I usually wear them. They offer some protection (cushion)when wading through brush and scrambling across rock piles, as well as are handy for stream crossings. If its hot and dry, I don't wear them. Let the boots breath. Always in the snow and when the shrubbery is wet/damp.

No sure about recommendations. I seem to wear out the heaviest pair made by OR in about a year, but I abuse them busting brush. No others I've tried hold up half as long. My last pair imploded half way through my sheep hunt. They made it but where modified and only worn when necessary. I got about 50 days out of them, maybe. I've written to OR numerous times about changes/fixes that would improve the longevity, but it falls on deaf ears, so I figured I'll keep sending them back for a free pair since they don't care. :D
The dewy mornings are what I had in mind. Hate wet feet. I have to assume they work pretty well for combatting wet grass.

Wet grass and wet snow is the bane of all footware. Gaiters won't help much other than keeping the top of your boots a bit dryer, and your pants. Your toes/foot will still get soaked after a few hours unless the goretex is new.
I keep a set in my pack (Kenetrek). Dew and rain are the major use. If it snows enough I wear them for that as well. If the rain is bad enough I'll wear them under my rain pants. Funny how water seems to make its way up and into my boots!
I almost use them as an outer layer. What I mean by that is, for a moving hunter a pair of gaiters is almost as warm as two pairs of pants without bunching. When its really cold I only wear a thin base layer. If its going to be a warm day, I can start off with gaiters on in the morning then stash them in my pack when it heats up. Water proofing the bottom part of my pants is an extra perk.
I wear them a lot. I have a shorter hiking gaiter for when it is warm and another taller hunting gaiter for when it is colder and possibly snow.
Gaiters really shine in light rain and dew conditions. What really helps is they your socks from wicking in the water which ends up in your boots. Always a pair in my pack unless I know for sure no rain and its dry
Yes. Every time I set foot in the woods. Keeps the boots from coming untied, helps in stream crossings, dew covered long grass, and when soaked in Permitherin...... A GREAT TIC BARRIER. God I hate those little buggers and they are thick here in Missouri.
I always wear gaiters now. In addition to everything listed above, they're great for keeping cheat grass awns out of my boots, socks, and pants when I'm hunting desert country.

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