Fundraiser for My Grand-Niece's Mother Killed by DUI on Mother's Day.


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I am going to submit this here because I have family now hurting due to no fault of their own. This is my grand-niece and her mother who was my nephew's ex. They split on good terms but were still really tight to rest of the family. My niece was seriously injured in a DUI related accident due to no fault of anyone in the car with her. Her mom was killed and died at the accident scene on Mother's Day.

The DUI suspect has been arrested and charged with manslaughter and a series of other very serious charges. This is not his first DUI and he was driving on a suspended license. Because of this, my nephew, niece and rest of her family incurred huge debts due to funeral and medical related costs. I would appreciate anyone who cares to make a donation however small to the go-fund me account established in the families name.

The link to donate towards funeral and medical expenses (which are huge) is at the bottom of the image.


Wow that's horrific I'm sorry for your loss and send prayers to your family.
I appreciate those of you who donated. My grand-niece who was seriously injured in that accident was just told yesterday that her mom was killed so it's not a good time at this end right now. She was unconscious when they pulled her out of the car.

Medical expenses for the 4 who were seriously injurred are going to go through the roof. The DUI suspect was uninsured and how much the liability insurance on the car that my grand-niece's mom's current boyfriend was driving will cover. I know that most policies have something in case you are a victim in a case like this but no clue what is going to apply here. Even with that, the costs are going to be astronomical. Every little dime we can raise for that family is going to help.
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Man. Having kids this age makes that hard to read. Praying for everyone involved. Sent you a DM
Man. Having kids this age makes that hard to read. Praying for everyone involved. Sent you a DM
Appreciate that. I was never blessed with kids of my own, but anytime it strikes this close to home it's very hard to handle. This family has some of the nicest people you would ever meet.
A little status update on my niece Arieona . Physically my niece is doing OK. She's pretty banged up but is expected to recover fully on the physical side. Mentally she will obviously have a struggle like the rest of us are struggling to try and absorb what happened. She was directly behind the front passenger seat where her mom was killed. Below is a link so you can see how lucky we are to have her with us today.

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Update: Just found out Colorado is a no-fault state so my niece's stepdad's insurance will cover MOST but probably not all medical costs and loss of income. The DUI suspect was uninsured and driving illegally so the no-fault insurance gives us some relief. Gives us a little reprieve so what we are trying to cover now is the deductibles and the funeral costs which will be substantial still even with knowing insurance is going to cover most of the medical. My niece is likely going to need some counselling and obviously support from rest of her family to heal on the mental side.
Update: Just found out Colorado is a no-fault state so my niece's stepdad's insurance will cover MOST but probably not all medical costs and loss of income. The DUI suspect was uninsured and driving illegally so the no-fault insurance gives us some relief. Gives us a little reprieve so what we are trying to cover now is the deductibles and the funeral costs which will be substantial still even with knowing insurance is going to cover most of the medical. My niece is likely going to need some counselling and obviously support from rest of her family to heal on the mental side.
Uninsured motorist coverage is highly recommended. Unbelievable how many drivers are uninsured, particularly those most likely to cause crashes.
Update: Just found out Colorado is a no-fault state so my niece's stepdad's insurance will cover MOST but probably not all medical costs and loss of income. The DUI suspect was uninsured and driving illegally so the no-fault insurance gives us some relief. Gives us a little reprieve so what we are trying to cover now is the deductibles and the funeral costs which will be substantial still even with knowing insurance is going to cover most of the medical. My niece is likely going to need some counselling and obviously support from rest of her family to heal on the mental side.
We have no fault here too. My wife's funeral costs were covered by my car insurance even though she was a passenger in her sister's car (sister texting and drove through a red light). The insurance company paid a flat rate death benefit for funeral etc that as I recall was about $20K. Check the policy. No medical bills here. We live in Canada. Probably the best solution in this case is for her family to declare bankruptcy. Or they should talk like they're considering it. That often brings hospitals around to sensible billing.

Very, very sorry for your loss. Been there. Lost our 14 year-old son to a seizure ten months before her accident. My heart goes out to that family.
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Uninsured motorist coverage is highly recommended. Unbelievable how many drivers are uninsured, particularly those most likely to cause crashes.
It's required in 14 states. Colorado is a no-fault state so by law if you are hit and the other driver is uninsured, your insurance must cover it minus deductibles. I recommend everyone look at their coverage and make sure you have something for cases like this because you never have any kind of warning when this stupid stuff is going to happen.
Insurance doesn't cover deductible? What kind of horseshit is that? Deductible is part of medical expense. They should cover that. It's why they call it "insurance." Unbelievable!
Insurance doesn't cover deductible? What kind of horsehorses
LOL nope. That's why they are called deductibles. That portion not covered by insurance and varies with each policy. The lower the deductibles the higher your premium is. Most deductibles are in the $500-1000 range but some policies offer cheaper insurance with deductibles around $5000.

My understanding is that the insurance is going to cover most of my niece's medical bills so I am now focusted on the deductible for her. There is also a maximum insurance will pay on medical which is generally around $250K per person/$500K per accident. My brother in law is the insurance salesman for the family and what he is saying is putting rest of us at ease a little bit. However, there are some items that insurance will not cover which is what we are focused on now. I do not think this accident will go over the maximums right now.

Focus now is on the funeral and insurance deductibles. If we can get between $15K and $25K raised we have covered what insurance will not. Last I checked, we are over $9200.00. Even deductibles can hurt you financially when are are barely surviving like this family is.
We have no fault here too. My wife's funeral costs were covered by my car insurance even though she was a passenger in her sister's car (sister texting and drove through a red light). The insurance company paid a flat rate death benefit for funeral etc that as I recall was about $20K. Check the policy. No medical bills here. We live in Canada. Probably the best solution in this case is for her family to declare bankruptcy. Or they should talk like they're considering it. That often brings hospitals around to sensible billing.

Very, very sorry for your loss. Been there. Lost our 14 year-old son to a seizure ten months before her accident. My heart goes out to that family.
I hate hearing these stories from anyone, let alone my own family. With my neice's family they had a high deductible. There is accidental death coverage so they will get that eventually for the mother. Still not enough to cover the entire family and there is going to be lingering expenses as they go through the recovery process. Social security also provides some benefits when a person dies. So they got some relief coming. I have never been though this before so I am learning myself.
I hate hearing these stories from anyone, let alone my own family. With my neice's family they had a high deductible. There is accidental death coverage so they will get that eventually for the mother. Still not enough to cover the entire family and there is going to be lingering expenses as they go through the recovery process. Social security also provides some benefits when a person dies. So they got some relief coming. I have never been though this before so I am learning myself.
I'm sure their mortgage was insured and probably credit cards so those debts should be wiped. It is a complicated mess for sure. Worse down there with health insurance and medical establishment skimming the pot. Helps to have someone who knows the ropes. Our financial advisor at the bank stepped in and took the reigns after my wife died. The guy at the funeral home was also very helpful. He was really something.
I'm sure their mortgage was insured and probably credit cards so those debts should be wiped. It is a complicated mess for sure. Worse down there with health insurance and medical establishment skimming the pot. Helps to have someone who knows the ropes. Our financial advisor at the bank stepped in and took the reigns after my wife died. The guy at the funeral home was also very helpful. He was really something.
Not sure what their status is or how Colorado covers that.
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