Fun Outting with my Step Daughter

Great story and pics, congrats on a great buck , it made me smile and brought back memories of last season and my first deer hunt with my youngest, we didn't get a buck that day but like yours mine was wiped out before 3pm.
I'm divorced so don't get a lot of time in the woods with him, but enjoy the times when I do, I haven't been lucky enough to get a buck when he's with me , but I know that day is coming. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed it
Aren't kids the best and as someone said and as OregonChris's pic shows kids can sleep anywhere and be knocked out for hours.

It is really funny I sent Savanah some pictures of two bull elk threw my spotting scope I saw last night. She asked if I shot one and I replied simply "no" her response was "DID YOU MISS???"

I thought I recognized that ugly mug behind that deer! Congrats man. Now post up those pics of the bulls you "passed" on.