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Friday Tunes That Make You Say Wow

Yep. Stuck in the Diva loop.


If you have time

Her "cry me a river" is a wonderful song to listen to while relaxing with your favorite adult beverage----unless---for some, it might strike to close to home ;)
The Platters song reminded of this, and I confess; until today I thought these guys were black.

and you are not the first to think so

also, if you listen to Bobby ( half of the Righteous Bros ) singing Unchained Melody you will not only be impressed with his ability but many people,--- black, white, brown, referred to him as "Blue Eyed Soul" Unbelievable talent ( and yes years after they recorded it, it showed up in the movie Ghost )

Thank you Ben and I agree

Guys, you really got me wound up today on this thread and the "Bucket list" thread----I apologize.!! but I certainly do thank all you gentlemen, for bringing back memories on this thread and the bucket list thread ---:love: and:cry:--but fond memory tears