PEAX Equipment

Freezer Alarms


Active member
Apr 28, 2018
I recently had my refrigerator/freezer go out and lost some food. Luckily it was not my chest freezer with all my meat. Just wanted to remind everyone with hunting season here that the freezer alarms are cheap insurance for this (+/-$15). I wish i would have had one on my everyday freezer, but thankfully have one on my chest freezer just in case.
Do they just send out a beep? Like a smoke detector? or do they send you a notice to your phone? Wouldn't do much good if you were out of town for a while.
I am going to have to look into that. I am in my deep freeze enough that i feel like i would catch it if i am home, but always worry about when i am gone for a while
Mine is a AcuRite 00986. I like it, the only thing I'd change is to make the alarm louder. It's wireless, with magnetic mounts for the exterior unit ,and has 2 sensors to monitor 2 freezers.
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I have this one as well, and like it. Keep in mind the range of the sensors to the home unit is relatively short, so you'll want your 2 freezers, or whatever you monitoring, to be relatively close together. Only draw back I've found. I'd heard about a system that would shoot you text when it's out of spec. If the price was right, I'd probably switch to that. In my brief browsing of alarms, I have yet to locate one though.
I need several of these!

Will start looking and see what I can turn up.
Mine is a AcuRite 00986. I like it, the only thing I'd change is to make the alarm louder. It's wireless, with magnetic mounts for the exterior unit ,and has 2 sensors to monitor 2 freezers.
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This is the style I use in my camper to monitor during packing and while i am out. Just gives me peace of mind. Also, when I get an animal down I transfer one of the sensors to my cooler and I only open to add more ice when the temp is getting out of range. Fewer cooler openings the better!
Good advice. Didn't even know those existed. Will have to look into getting one for my walk in fridge that I use for hanging meat. Not a freezer, but same potential problem.
For those with Alexa/Amazon systems, there is one forthcoming this winter that will work with our ecosystems. So I'm told; who knows with Covid...
We recently started using Proteus sensors in our server and network rooms at work. They have a web interface to customize safe temperature ranges, and send text alerts if the temperature goes outside your set limit. It also alerts when the power goes out. So far I'm impressed with them.

After reading this thread I went to their site and found they offer a 10-foot extension cable that would allow them to monitor the inside temperature of a freezer.

These are professional units with lots of features, so the price is a lot higher than a basic freezer alarm.
This might be a good thread to bring back now that peoples freezers are hopefully filling up. I bought this power failure alarm and tested it and it seemed to work. It is really loud so if we were out of town I'm sure my neighbors would hear it to. My issue has been the circuit my freezer is on has been tripped from the upstairs bathroom and I really never had a good way to know. This should do the trick for now and alert me as soon as it is tripped, not just when a temperature falls below a certain threshold after the fact.

Thanks for posting, I had a near accident with my stand up freezer a couple days ago. The door was barely cracked and it didn't melt but accumulated an absolute pile of frost build up. I might need an ice axe to get some packages out. I just bought a two sensor system from Amazon for appr. $25. There's a bunch to choose from and I just picked this one with high feedback score.

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