For griz, no such thing as a guaranteed lunch by Todd Wilkinson


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2013
Bozeman, MT
Wilkinson wrote an article For griz, no such thing as a guaranteed lunch, concerning food sources for Grizzly bears.

“The fat levels in bears are the same as they ever were. The bears are adapting … because they are omnivorous.”

— Dr. Chris Servheen, national grizzly bear recovery coordinator, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

It’s springtime 2014, and grizzly bears are again emerging from their dens in greater Yellowstone.

Not long from now the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the agency responsible for managing imperiled plants and animals in America, will declare its intention to remove the Yellowstone-area grizzly population from protection under the federal Endangered Species Act.

Grizzlies in our ecosystem have been classified as a “threatened” species since 1975. Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, citing growing bear numbers, say they should assume primacy over bruin management, which means that, if the pattern with delisted wolves holds, grizzlies will be hunted and treated more disposably.

Two weeks ago as respected ecologist David Mattson delivered a lecture to a packed house in Bozeman. Mont., about the status of four key bear foods, I couldn’t help but think of my ongoing conversation with Mattson that started 20 years ago.

Back in 1994 he presciently raised concerns about a quartet of grizzly staples vital to the health of mother bears and connected to multi-cub litters. These foods have served as engines for bear population growth: high-fat seeds of whitebark pine trees, protein-rich Yellowstone cutthroat trout (that nourished a substantial number of bears around Yellowstone Lake in the heart of the ecosystem), meat (namely elk calves and spring carrion), and army cutworm moths (which hatch in remote alpine talus slopes drawing bears away from people).

As smart as Mattson was (the researcher recently retired from government service), he didn’t foresee how climate change would rapidly hasten the loss of whitebark pine trees, leaving its forest almost functionally extinct. He didn’t see how non-native lake trout in Yellowstone would decimate native Yellowstone cutthroat, leaving few spawning fish for griz to eat.

With climate change also expected to transform moth habitat, Mattson noted in Bozeman that the same reliable natural larder of pivotal foods that fuels rising bear numbers is not going to be present in such abundance in the future.

It raises the question of whether all foods in a grizzly’s omnivorous diet are equal. And will a dramatically altered buffet table, different from the one in the past, still sustain grizzly population health in years and decades to come?

Mattson has doubts. “Nothing out there is replacing the quality of the foods being lost,” he said.

For urging federal and state officials on the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee and the Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee to exercise caution about delisting, Mattson has been a victim of the “shoot the messenger” syndrome that often meets those who voice dissent.

Mattson alludes to a possible paradox: Could it be that the collapse of significant bear foods will cause more bears to roam to the outer fringes of greater Yellowstone searching for sustenance, making it appear as if the ecosystem is bursting at the seams with grizzlies?

The problem is that states assuming control of management after delisting are likely to treat bears beyond the core-recovery zone as expendable.

More bears that can be killed through hunting and control actions, plus the potential of fewer mother grizzlies giving birth to litters of two and three cubs because of less high-value food being available, could mean the difference between a stable population and a declining one.

All this should be seen against the backdrop of how the states are now managing wolves based on draconian politics and hysteria, not sound science. Further, any premise that a unified vision for managing grizzlies after delisting will succeed is challenged by the dismal track record of federal and state agencies contending with wildlife diseases such as brucellosis and chronic wasting disease. That’s an arena where policy contradictions — again driven by politics, not science — are writ large.

Should Americans have confidence that the states are up to the challenge of caretaking grizzlies?

Next week when the Greater Yellowstone Coordinating Committee meets in Jackson, committee chairman Dan Wenk, the superintendent of Yellowstone, ought to invite Mattson to deliver his presentation.

Let committee members and citizens in this valley soak in what Mattson has to say, based upon decades of insight he’s gleaned into the nuances of grizzly bear foods. It’s information that will give you pause.
Oh boy. Well obviously yellowstone grizzlies are obviously a different species of grizzly compared to the ones here. Ours dont have the fancy pines, moths, and fish! Somehow though, numbers here seem pretty solid to me.

Oh! I know. Maybe our griz are Canadian griz and if one of our griz gets out and roams down into yellowstone it will just kill and eat the smaller and weaker native yellowstone grizzly that can only survive on fancy pines moths and fish.

Sorry. I am just a sarcastic bastage today. Well. Maybe everyday.
Those bears have had the holy bejesus studied out of them. Most the old ones walk around with their buts stuck in the air looking for fixes, because their addicted to tranquilizer.

If there's any evidence of what he says then is would show up in the monitoring of those collared individuals, No?

There's only X amount of habitat suitable for those big bears. To let them continue to grow (population wise) is a mistake for all.
lol, I loved the fancy pine and moths and tranquilizer addiction comments. My reasoning for posting is that if these factors are not looked at and delisting occurs, then it shows that there was a problem and they are listed again, it will be a hell of a lot harder to delist in the future. In addition, these statements will be used by wildlife advocates that dont want them delisted. So there would need to be science to refute such a claim. I like to look at all sides of an issue.

MWF had a grizzly presentation last March in Helena, with a number of specialists supporting delisting. They mentioned grizzly populations growing in north central Montana with an odd occurrence there. They dont have the "fancy pine and moths", but they were getting to eat of a bunch of dead cows that ranchers were dumping near their territory to keep them from coming out on to the plains. The odd occurrence was the cubs were maturing faster, weaning faster, which brought on estrus sooner for the sows. This was adding to the increased population up there. I asked if the antibiotics and growth hormone treatments of the cattle that were being fed to the bears could create this early maturation and growth. They said they didnt know, hadnt looked into it.

I believe that the bears being omnivores, are going to adapt to forage if they migrate from one food habitat to another or the food changes in the habitat they remain in. Not sure if anyone has studied how quickly they will adapt, what that curve might be. Always best to know what others are discussing on controversial subjects.
I doubt that there is enough similarity in hormone structure and receptor structure between bears and bovines that the growth hormone could have any affect. In addition, growth hormone is a protein hormone, and as such is denatured/altered during the digestive process.
Damn but I wish I could find the article from the late 70's in either Outdoor Life or Field and Stream which compared the Grizzlies living in Glacier with the Grizzlies living across the North Fork river. One hunted population and one unhunted obviously. What I recall was a clear demonstration, that the bears in the hunted population more frequently delivered multiple litters and weighed an average of 10-15% more. It also documented the more rapid population growth outside the park and the decreased number of human interactions/charges/maulings.

So by Mattson's assertion "that there is nothing out there replacing the quality foods being lost", then eventually all the bears will become cachectic, anemic appearing animals with hardly the strength to search for food. A complete load of Hogwash. As Draht said, the bears in my home range never had the whitebark pines or the Yelowstone cutts to feed off, but they seem to have done just fine.
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