NEW SITKA Ambient 75

foot problems


New member
Jan 16, 2011
I have been walking/hiking all spring and summer to be in shape for my first elk hunt.

After about 2.5 to 3 miles of continous walking , the soles of my feet, especially the forefoot area are burning.

It doesn't matter if I am wearing Boots or Running shoes, With pack or without. Med hiking socks, heavy hiking, or sport socks, doesn't matter. I am mostly walking on the road, but have the same issue on trails.

I don't really get blisters, they just hurt. My feet tend to be dry and peeling and have been for years..

I got an email from kennetrek the other day about a sale on replaceable insoles. Do you think these will help? I can get $10 cushion insoles from sports academy, not sure of the difference other than arch support which I don't need.

Thanks for any suggestions
Not sure i understand your problem. When you say ''burning'' is it a rash? or hotspots from walking on hot asphalt that then are quick to return when you are on trail?
I think I would go see a podiatrist. You really shouldn't be getting hot spots just walking on flat land especially trying all the things you have. You mentioned dryness and this is why I think a good podiatrist is in order. I think you have something else going on that is making your skin real sensitive to activity.