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Food for thought

I like Ben Shapiro, but I am pretty sure he is at least 50% robot. Flame away if you don't like him. I can take it.
He makes a bunch of good points - don’t agree with all, but good food for thought. I wished he was a tad less combative - but he has to pay the bills. Seems more an internet influencer than serious thinker - but I would guess off-mic he is a hell of an interesting discussion over beers.
I like Ben Shapiro, but I am pretty sure he is at least 50% robot. Flame away if you don't like him. I can take it.
I do too, but the concept of continually arguing with people who’s mind you’ll never change baffles me.

I could come in here and argue that archery hunting is way better than rifle hunting and make points until I’m blue in the face, but at the end of the day what the hell difference does it make?
What gets interesting is when I have shared in “mixed audiences”. Here the “conservatives” jump on him right out of the box and it is followed by a number of the “liberals” supporting him as having fair points.
Did you just call me a liberal?
We shall also fight to the death. 😉

I do too, but the concept of continually arguing with people who’s mind you’ll never change baffles me.

I could come in here and argue that archery hunting is way better than rifle hunting and make points until I’m blue in the face, but at the end of the day what the hell difference does it make?
Once upon a time, in a land that doesn’t seem to exist anymore, people used to discuss contentious issues for the sake of mental stimulation, to try to understand other people’s perspectives and for the sake of learning about people who are different than themselves. It wasn’t an argument, and no one needed to “win”.

Crazy, I know 🙄
He makes a bunch of good points - don’t agree with all, but good food for thought. I wished he was a tad less combative - but he has to pay the bills. Seems more an internet influencer than serious thinker - but I would guess off-mic he is a hell of an interesting discussion over beers.
Good points. Didn't take too much poking to get you combative either. I'm sure Ben deals with meaner trolls than me on a daily basis.😉
VikingsGuy: Nice try. Blind polarized partisinism is a pox on America. What I find ironic is that the internet has opened unlimited potential for self-improvement by acquiring unlimited access to information and learning. But real information just isn't good enough for the uneducated masses. They look for alternative reality simply because it's more exciting. Why pick up the NY Times when the National Enquirer is on the next rack? Bullshit is a better read than boring facts. I enjoy reading (and writing) fairy tales to my grandkids and watching Marvel movies with them. But I know it's not real. I make decisions on the future of my life and my country's life based on what goes into and comes out of MY head, not what some political party tells me to believe. It seems to me that the more information that is available, the more Americans in particular are disinclined to make use of it. "Fighting back" is more fun ... even if the enemy has no real substance. Even if the enemy is simply a word. Yeah, it's pretty much hopeless.
I watch flocks of hundreds of small birds wheeling and condensing, ultimately bound for nowhere. Those who study such phenomena tell us the flock direction is determined by each bird's perception of which way the mass of others are turning. Mesmerizing to watch until it becomes a metaphor for human decisionmaking.

Thanks for posting this, @VikingsGuy.
VikingsGuy: Nice try. Blind polarized partisinism is a pox on America. What I find ironic is that the internet has opened unlimited potential for self-improvement by acquiring unlimited access to information and learning. But real information just isn't good enough for the uneducated masses. They look for alternative reality simply because it's more exciting. Why pick up the NY Times when the National Enquirer is on the next rack? Bullshit is a better read than boring facts. I enjoy reading (and writing) fairy tales to my grandkids and watching Marvel movies with them. But I know it's not real. I make decisions on the future of my life and my country's life based on what goes into and comes out of MY head, not what some political party tells me to believe. It seems to me that the more information that is available, the more Americans in particular are disinclined to make use of it. "Fighting back" is more fun ... even if the enemy has no real substance. Even if the enemy is simply a word. Yeah, it's pretty much hopeless.
To be very clear, it is not an “uneducated” problem, it is a human problem - in fact there are some good studies that show the more educated you are the less like you are to incorporate new information that conflicts with your predisposed viewpoint.