NEW SITKA Ambient 75


Has it occured to you yet that if indeed Fluffy the Hanta Rat is a tame rodent, that there is some even more than usually bummed out Goth chick crying her eyes out over him right this minute?

Food for thought.

That and that thing is just nasty, and you are just insane.

BTW so Brad asked how did you catch him in the first place? Yell "who's your daddy", and hoist him by the tail?
I am dying here , Oscar surely you have figured out by now that someone in the area has made the upgrade from gerbil to rat !!!!

Show him a piece of 1-1/2 " pvc pipe and see what he does.

Be on the alert for strangers walking around sticking a piece of pvc into every crack and crevice trying to entice your newfound friend .
You could always put an ad in the paper, The owner would probably be very
grateful to get his critter ,lover back.

What does the rat smell like ???

chambo, if anyone thought about the pvc they didnt post it. people are gonna worry about you now
Darn;I hope she isn't pregnant!
Hey, are there any Chinese restaurants nearby?
Nice hair cut moosie ,,,the last time I saw that style was on Lloyd (Jim Carrey) on Dumb and Dumber!
On second thought it is probably just a dropped cartridge from someone hunting with the new and improved ratranger 2004, which is basically a gerbil canon retrofitted with the new rat master barrel.
Has more knock down energy than the old gerbil canon and the new rifleing takes the hair off , which makes for a much more aerodynamic projectile.The new barrel also has what the manufacturer refers to as a fold back system integrated into the last 1/4 inch of the bore. This simple yet effective device folds the legs of the LIVE ROUND back into a neat aero package.
These new canons are the most accurate to date in the gerbil series of weapons. Groups of 2" or less at 12,000 yards have been recorded. These groups were fired from a bench rest on a calm day and not everyone should expect these kind of results.The new canon comes with 1000 projectile protectors that slip over the nose of the bullet.
Fireing a LIVE ROUND at 26,000 fps without the protector has resulted in bullet failure at shorter ranges.
There have been a couple of reports of bullet disintergration at around 28,500 fps so all you reloaders take note !!! Do not exceed the max charge of .75 pounds of 4198.Recoil is excessive but manageable. Lower charges result in tumbling of projectile and are also not recommended.
Ammo has a limited shelf life, and it is to be used before the hair starts to slip for premium accuracy.Bore fouling can be a problem if the canon is loaded for extended periods of time .

I am having way too much fun with this. BYE

This gives a whole new meaning to the words LIVE ROUND
The other improvement realized from utilizing rats instead of gerbils is the same as boat tail bullets - the long tail of the rat trails behind it in flight, stabilizing the projectile sooner and preventing tumbling at the closer ranges. Figuratvely speaking, the projectile "goes to sleep" sooner, although the rat is very much a LIVE ROUND and certainly wide awake.
moosie, i think you work to hard...are you not wearing shoes in that picture of you on the floor? what kind of slumber party place do you work at!?
Man, I haven't seen you on your knees since...well never mind.

I think someone needs a new pet. My recommendation is something that can fetch a duck.
Cali, there was actually quite some debate over the boatail theory.

It was discovered after recovering some spent rounds, fired at different ranges and target media , that the tail was lost before leaving the muzzle.
Further investigation reveled a couple of things. 1. It was determined that the amount of powder used to propel the LIVE ROUND had a very corrosive effect to the rear end of the LIVE ROUND and it was noted that on average approx 10 % of the tail end of the projectile was burned off during the initial gas burn.
2. They also discovered the main reason that projectile protectors were needed.
It seems during the burn peorid that the LIVE ROUNDS were screaming down the bore and when introduced to the unprotected enviroment that the lips on said LIVE ROUND started to fold back and away from the frontal area creating a larger cavity .
The change in frontal profile along with the tremendous velocities involved caused the catastrophic bullet failures.
The sudden increase in frontal pressure was actually exploding the rounds.
Rump taper, as a result of the rat rump burn , did however result in an overall accuracy increase of about 12%.This more than offset the 10% loss of mass in the tail area.
Researchers are now experimenting with a kevlar, titanimun compound for rattail coating to see if any accuracy can be gained.
The F.O.C. weight which is very important seems to be the biggest worry in this new development . Adding weight to the tail of the round , for protection against ratrump burn may not be beneficial at all, and may change F.O.C. weight beyond acceptable levels. Only time will tell.
Well... 280, good seeing ya again, I was worried they shut your Heat off in the Old folks home and You passed away. Jsut an FYI, Sometimes I use Gell (Like today) but I stick with the same Haircut :


It's called the Ceasar cut.

As far as Fluffy.... He is doing good today. Jsut an FYI. We had a Goldfish pass away last night.. So guess what Flufy had for Breakfast :



It even Visited my Desk top today :

Wait till you see his new Home
I'll post it monday.

I had the Vet come by and Gave it a Look over. No flee's, Mites, or Ticks. Had good Respritory and Eyes, Hair and all looked well, Took a Stool Sample and Went back to his office and called me and Said it had some Belly Parasite that with this stuff I can give it that it will go away. Nothing that big I guess, Just will help him live a bit longer. Anyways, He's dropping it off at my house tonight and I'll give it to him starting Monday ...

NO, I'm not getting attached, It's a Fetchin' Rodent .......

SO who's feeding him over the weekend? I hope his new home is escape proof.

Chambo - the males actually seem to have a more pronounced tail taper, and the scrotum may serve as an effective gas check, with the proper flame retardant coating of course.
Gawd, I haven't laughed this hard in a long, long time.

That Goth chick thing killed me! You are very funny! Very creative....

That's not Ceasar...It's Frankenstein. You need some of those bolt things for your neck!

I don't know, looks like you are getting attached to the little fella. Actually spending on him
LOL ...Moosie's got a big heart (don't tell anyone though)
I'd say that's a tame rat too. The coloration is too light for a wild rat Moosie.
Sure looks like he enjoyed the fish sticks though.....LOL
One of the guys (ELK TURD) checked up on him yesterday. The new Cage is escape proof. He has a Coustom build house
I'll post pics tomorrow. Heck, I'm not getting attached, It's just a Dumb rat ...

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