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Float trip in the Bob


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
Here's a little bit on my float trip 'Fin. It's the same as what I put on Rick's site, cause I can't access photobucket and Hunt Talk on the same computer at work, so I had to copy and paste. If the photos don't show up, I'd appreciate if someone would clue me in.

Four friends and I recently did a backpack in float trip in the Bob Marshall. We hiked in over Pyramid Pass down to Youngs creek, and floated Youngs creek into the South Fork of the Flathead. It was a great time, and one of the better adventures I've had in a while. Instead of writing up everything that happened, which would certainly turn boring, here's a few photos with captions that will hopefully convey a little of the feel of the trip.


My crew cab with my gear, a weeks worth of food, and an inflatable raft. Not the heaviest load it has seen, but easily the largest.


Pyramid Lake on a nice day.


The first of several pack strings we ran into, most of whom thought we were crazy.


Float trip mastermind Shane walking a log.


A senic spot for lunch and gear repair. Note the freshly spliced oar, fixed with sticks and duct tape.


The Bob has some of my favorite scenery.


An obligatory nightly campfire.


After turning a raft over on the last day, we played it safe on this rapid near the takeout and packed our gear around the rough patch. With one person and little gear per raft, our little rafts had much better odds of making it intact.


The last stretch of river.


Even on the drive out, things couldn't be easy. We benefited from a few helpful strangers that day.

As a side note, the compression is pretty hard on my pictures! Most actually look pretty decent at regular resolution, I promise.
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Beautiful looking water. I was wondering what kind of boats you were able to carry in on your backs.

The pictures on my monitor have outstanding resolution. Easily see the rocks in the bottom of the river.

It looks like you had a great time. Nice pictures too! I've got to be honest, I'm a little disappointed there aren't any fishing pictures ;). I wish I had the time to take a float trip like that... but the fly rods are coming too.

We did have some fly rods, and often supplemented lunch with fish. They just tended not to make my favorite pictures.
Awesome pics, looks like a hell of a time. The pyramid lake in the picture is the one you can see from the main trail right? I could be completely wrong but if I remember right the actual lake is up near the peak more? Will be headed back in there in the next couple weeks myself.
I backpacked into that country several years ago. We were catching 24"+ Bull trout and big fat cutts. Some of the best back country fishing I've ever come across. The pics make me want to go again. Then I think of the hike...

Awesome photos and country. I need to be retired to do all of the things I would like. Thanks for sharing!
That is the lake you can see from the trail, Randy. I just took some other hikers word that it was Pyramid, didn't check the map for myself, so I don't doubt that your right. Have fun when you head that way.

We did see some griz sign Greenhorn, but none in the flesh. One of the larger sets of tracks I've ever seen wasn't but a couple hundred yards from our first campsite.
They're both potholes really, the one along the trail does work as a good decoy for the actual lake though.
See much for game?
Definitely jealous of your trip, I'd love to go all the way through like that sometime.
I am looking at doing a similar trip in June/July of this year. Any idea of how far down Youngs Creek you have to hike before it is floatable or after what tributary? Also, about how many days did you guys take from the trail head to takeout? Any info is much appreciated.

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