First WY Lope Hunt


Jun 8, 2009
central Iowa
After a few years of playing the point game, my brother and I drew WY lope tags. We arrived in the cowboy state a week after the opener and set up camp.


It wasn't long until we starting seeing several lope rutting hard. This hunt is sure a contrast from chasing around Iowa deer. Anyway, Dink should be proud that we didn't pop the first ones we saw. :D

Sunday morning dawned clear and quickly warmed up. We put some stalks on several groups but didn't find the 'right' one to shoot. I closed the distance to 140 yards on a decent buck but was busted by an angus calf before i could set up the decoy. Friggen cows in one of the few spots i had a good chance to close the distance with the bow.

On the way out, we ran across a nice buck and doe feeding in the wide open about 350 yards off the 2 track. We 'snuck' about 50 yards to a dirt mound and sized him up. He was the 3rd largest buck we'd seen since hunting and my bro decided he was good enough for his first lope. A well placed shot put him down and the celebration began.



We headed back to camp to break him down for the cooler. We decided to eat a quick bite before getting started and noticed a few does aways from camp. Set up the spotter to enjoy the view when a buck comes out from over the hill towards the does. After 15 minutes of looking him over, i decided to grab the boom stick to see if i could close the distance. A wide circle around the group got us within 150 yards and fortunatly I saw them first. We got in position and waited them out for all of 5 minutes. The does busted and the buck followed, stopping at just under 200 yards, which was a mistake for him. :D





The next day we ran in to fred but fortunately from the truck.


The special thing about this hunt was that our dad was able to tag along. We couldn't talk him into getting points a few years ago but i think he's hooked for next time. The gun i used was passed down from my great uncle which also made the shot that much sweeter. Along the way, i learned some valuable photography lessons: get a better camera, keep it close at hand vs stuffed in a pack and take tons more pics!

I've learned a lot from this site so thanks for everyone's advice and sharing their stories. We left a few good ones for Dink's dad so hopefully they're having some luck this weekend.
Awesome read of your event! Great pics and enjoyable to follow along. Thanks for the time put into this post! :) Enjoyable read.

Always great to have family involved and progressing the family passed down rifle on a successful hunt!

Congrats to you and those in your party!
Great job Phantom. It looks like you guys had a great time. Good luck drawing again next year and doing it all over again.
Nice, I love the excitement and target rich environment of antelope hunting.I killed 2 in 2 years so now I'll be waiting for a trophy unit tag
They are still talking about the "Gay Ones" up there and you had left 4 days before. Crazy.
When we got up there to Wyoming, it was very obvious that there had been some Eastern Tenderfoots here before us recently.

Antelope are brown and white, no need to ground check the black ones next time guys.


Phantom, I am not sure what goes on in Iowa any more and I am glad you can express yourself, but leave that silly crap home in Iowa.

But the competition before was us not very fierce:D, so let's go kill a Lope

Oak would have woke up with a tent in the tent. To early for pics.


We looked a few over till mid afternoon or so.

We saw a few to make notes of and kept going. Then I glassed up one that needed further review. The Old Man says "Yes" and off we go. He is easy to please. After a mile or so in a draw, we crawl to the top of the hill, 125 yards away and start the wait til he gets out of his bed. Please note: My dad gets mad at me every time I fill out a tag application for him and use the color "Grey" for his hair:D


Bang!!!, the new Tikka T3 tickle gun goes off. Still can't believe my father put a gun sticker on his truck.



Decent enough Lope

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Wait a minute. He ist the Jester hahahahaha, mmmmahahahahaha. I got shot to hide in your cooler so I wouldn't get shot. Does that blow your mind??? I am the "Jester"!!!


For my fans;)


It was nice to get some blood on my hands even if I didn't pull the trigger. I had hoped to meet Phantom up there last weekend but my inability to shoot a elk put a stop to that. Wyoming should give 2 tags to you when you draw. I wasn't ready to leave.

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Glad to see that Ray can still get it done when his oldest boy can't. We had heard of that buck but didn't run across him. He's pretty cool looking...the buck, not your charlie brown pumpkin.

"Antelope are brown and white, no need to ground check the black ones next time guys." Yeah, but these taste better. You must not have seen the calf that was down about 1/2 mile from camp. :D

"Phantom, I am not sure what goes on in Iowa any more and I am glad you can express yourself, but leave that silly crap home in Iowa." I'm no indian expert, but i think that pic stands for dinkshooter was here without man squaw. Seeing that and your other liberal comments comes as no surprise when your favorite movie is about two sheep herders. :eek:

Congrats on your DAD's successful hunt.
cool posts, and cool antelope, I think I'm (yeah right) like fin, and would rather see freaky than big

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