First time for elk in CO


New member
Feb 15, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI
I'm finally going to do it: a DIY archery elk hunt by backpack. I think I've got my area down, but am open to any tips. I'm looking at the Never Summer Wilderness, West of Denver. Oh, and I'm doing an over the counter cow tag. I figure I'll be happy just to see an elk, let alone actually get a chance to kill one. Elk sightings will be the frosting on the cake.

Some background info: I am an experienced UL backpacker, comfortable in backcountry. I know the altitude is going to kick my butt: I can't find a way to replicate 9000' here in Michigan. I was out in CO back in June at higher elevations so I've had a glimpse of what sucking wind is like. I've been forced to haul out the old LoweAlpine Countour IV pack (what a beast compared to my homemade bag!) and have been hiking with an 85# load. The rest of my gear is light, and minimal.

Any tips or suggestions? Thanks for anything!

If your budget will allow, you might consider an either sex tag.
When calling in the early bow season I usually find myself within bow range of more raghorns than I do cows.
Good luck. Hope you have a fun hunt.
Sounds like fun but a bit ambitious for an old guy like me. The rut should be 9/10-9/30 which will also be the toughest time to take a cow. Might be able to help sent.
If your budget will allow, you might consider an either sex tag.
When calling in the early bow season I usually find myself within bow range of more raghorns than I do cows.
Good luck. Hope you have a fun hunt.

Kind of what I was thinking for tags but just for personal reasons. Last season I could have reached out and touched several cows and calves that went by me But with bulls screaming all around I couldn't bring myself to shoot one. If your that experienced in the backcountry I don't see anything to worry about. Other than getting an elk out ;)
fish, last year was my first Elk hunt here in Colorado. I spent 8 straight days living in the mountains and hiking miles every day. It was an over the counter tag during 3rd rifle season. The only Elk sighting I had was three cow elk at 1000+ yards running. Regardless, I still loved spending 8 days in nature and breathing (sometimes very heavily) the fresh mountain air.
This year I drew a tag in a limited area during archery season. I'm hoping that I at lest hear, see and chase some Elk. Putting an arrow in the boiler room of anything (cow or bull) would be awesome.
Good luck to you. Either way, you will have an adventure and won't regret it. I don't see how you can lose.
make sure you can bone out a elk it will save on weight when you come out. good luck my friend.have fun

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