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First shed/scouting trip of 2016...


New member
Aug 14, 2015
Made about a 6 mile hike yesterday with my brother... We were mainly just wanting to locate some bulls(which we did), but we also found a couple sheds. Good to be picking them up again!

I found this bison skull last year, but it was too crumbly to pack out so I left it... It's still there..

Thanks guys.. Sixpoint, it's an old bison skull. It's so chalky I can't really even pick it up without it falling apart.

Awesome. I love finding the bison skulls. There really isn't much I value more in the hills.
I see I missed the line in your initial post about it being a bison skull, sorry for the repetition. That being said, I am so jealous. I've put a lot of miles on numerous sets of boots and have yet to come across one. good job on the elk sheds too! I love this time of year.

I love Bison skulls as well. A big reason why I would like to draw a tag in MT is for all the cool stuff I'd get to keep.

My brother has found 2 bison skulls - both in WY. He found the first and gave it to his adopted Native grandmother (not quite sure how to phrase that). She gave him an offering to take back to the same spot where he found the skull. When he did, he found a second one. That one is cleaned up in his house now.

Great finds, thanks for sharing.
Ben, you must have given me some kind of luck. Went out this afternoon and came home with 10 mule deer sheds and a Bison horn.

The Bison horns are cool. About 4 years ago me and a buddy were turkey hunting in S. Dakota and he spotted top half of Bison skull in dry Creek bed. Turned it over it started breaking apart. All we got was one horn. He didn't want it so it's at my house in Oklahoma.