Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

First Hunt


New member
Sep 25, 2016
St Tammany parish, Louisiana
Hi, I'm trying to plan my first hunt which I'll need help with so far the only things I know for certain are that I only have a 308 Winchester rifle (which I just bought today) and the only other certainty is that I would like to go hunting somewhere in the Louisiana Mississippi area. As to what type of animal to hunt I am not sure what there is to hunt other then boar and white tails I have neither tried boar or deer meat I have only had bison and elk and I doubt I'll find any in Louisiana :) . Any tips tricks or guides to planning a trip would be greatly appriciated.
Hey Manny -

If you can locate the public lands in your area, or get access to private, then either whitetail or wild pigs would be a great place to begin! Both species present their own individual challenges, but if you dedicate some time to learning your rifle (YOUR effective range, proper caliber etc), learning how to hunt your target species will be a blast. If you skip this step, you'll be nothing but frustrated.

Who will process your kill?

Are you hunting for:

Because you are a US citizen and you can?
Thank you those are really good questions to get started with.

I have seen some great videos on how to process boars and I think it's something I can learn how to do.

Mainly I'll be hunting for meat adventure and because I believe everyone needs to know the basics to sustain life I called the LDWF and they told me how amazing wild bacon and ham is and kinda sold me on the idea that they are outlaw quadrupeds and are free to hunt year round.
Hunting pigs is a lot of fun, and they can be a great source for some "good eatin" if you select the right animal, handle and prepare the meat properly.

In Louisiana you need to act with some urgency after the kill to get it dressed and COOLED quickly! Just watch some videos or read up on how to do it.

Next... processing or butchering isn't as tough as some make it out to be! Now, that is NOT to say that a professional butcher doesn't have some awesome skills, they do! But, when I was younger I taught myself, then learned more over the years. At it's MOST simple, you can look at it like this:

Remove what you wont/can't eat - guts, skin, head bones etc.

Save the meat! EASY PEAZY!

Now that is way over simplified, however with that in mind, with a hog you could start there, and grind everything besides the specific cuts (tenderlions, backstrap etc). Maybe grind the rest with sausage or brats in mind.

Now, whomever told you about bacon and hams as they relate to wild pigs might be a little optimistic... It's not impossible, but MOST wild pigs don't have the fat necessary to make good bacon. Not to mention that you'd need to know how to cure your own pork.

Keep us posted!

There is a wild life management area within 10 minutes of my house! I'll be waiting till the temperature gets into the 70's before I go hunting I don't think my health would allow me to go when it's any hotter and I'll be bringing lots of ice to cool the meat down.

I spent some time on YouTube and found two great videos one detailing the hog anatomy and field dressing and one video on butchery. From the videos hogs make great looking chops and I love me some pork chops, I'll need to find some good boar recipies mainly for sausage making.

So from what I read I will need to be looking for a younger hog to get really tender meat is that correct?

Thank you all for all your help!
I have eaten old/young, and male/female ...

in a perfect world, I would choose (in this order):

1. young female
2. young male
3. Mature female
4. Mature boar

I have eaten boar chorizo (heavily spiced sausage) that was spectacular! I have eaten older boar in spicy mexican dishes that was amazing!

So I guess it depends on how you want to prepare it... if the actual MEAT is the star of the show a young animal may be best as it won't be as "strongly" flavored. I can think of a LOT of Cajun applications where it really wouldn't matter, and it makes my mouth water! :)

More specifically to the "tender" question.... as a life long chef... that is more determined on HOW you cook it. I have not been beaten by any tough piece of meat, given enough time, and moisture!
Thats good to know! My father is of the opinion that boar is to wild and the meat tastes rancid which I never understood because if the meat tasted bad why would people hunt it. I admit I'm not much of a cook but I can follow directions really well.
Now the toughest part... picking out ammo so many options there must be a guide out there that's on picking ammo. Round nose vs spitzer. Partions vs solid copper vs FMJ vs soft point vs hollow point. Flat base vs boat tail.
I kill pigs in Oklahoma with a 30/30 pushing CHEAP 150 grain pills and I have never had a pig take more than a few steps. Put the bullet where it needs to go and fire up the smoker! :)
Great! I got three boxes of Remington to sight in I hope that's enough to sight in... after looking at those ammo prices I might need to get into reloading later on I'll just save my brass till that day. Don you are awesome thank you for your help. I just passed my hunters course to get my hunting license. One day I'll have a nice elk or bull moose on my wall.
I'm from Louisiana and can help you with most questions. .308 will work fine for both. If you have the means I would look in to checking out the WMA's along the Mississippi river. Big deer and hogs. Be careful of the dates because most wmas have gun seasons which usually are only for a few days. Rest of the time its bow only.
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Thanks for chiming in, as a local resource you could really be a big help to a new hunter!! I'd love to see this guy be successful!

I'm from Louisiana and can help you with most questions. .308 will work fine for both. If you have the means I would look in to checking out the WMA's along the Mississippi river. Big deer and hogs. Be careful of the dates because most wmas have gun seasons which usually are only for a few days. Rest of the time its bow only.
Thanks for the info bukwild3 I just emailed a game warden to find out when firearm season is for hogs the hunters rules online didn't have much on hogs. I just want to make sure everything is safe legal and humane so any tips or advice helps a lot. I'll need to look at those WMA's near the Mississippi River.
All this planning has gotten my nephew interested in hunting so we signed him up for a hunters safety course and are looking at getting him a 7mm-08 or 243 winchester.
On wild pigs I keep the rear quarters whole and brine then smoke them to make hams. From my experience the backstraps aren't very large, so don't get overly excited about pork chops. Front shoulders and neck meat become sausage or saved to add in to deer burger. I love to bow hunt wild hogs. I shot about a 200 pounder that actually charged me after I bow shot it and I was able to side step behind a tree and get another arrow into him. What a rush!!! As for ammo, I have found Federal Fusions and the blue box soft points to be nicely priced and accurate and lethal. Butchering isn't all that difficult once you've done a couple of animals. It all comes in time and practice. You're beginning a new adventure in your life that will end up becoming a raging addiction. Enjoy the rush of your first animal and cherish the memory. I just watched my wife take her first big game animal yesterday and it was amazing to see her excitement and reaction. There are ways to hunt and get it done around your health issues, so just get out and jump in with both feet and don't over do yourself.
Thanks for the info bukwild3 I just emailed a game warden to find out when firearm season is for hogs the hunters rules online didn't have much on hogs. I just want to make sure everything is safe legal and humane so any tips or advice helps a lot. I'll need to look at those WMA's near the Mississippi River.
All this planning has gotten my nephew interested in hunting so we signed him up for a hunters safety course and are looking at getting him a 7mm-08 or 243 winchester.

During the official hunting season for any species, you can use what ever is legal at the time to take that animal. There is no firearms specific hog hunting season for hogs them selves only a kind of tag along to the seasons. So if its bow season for deer, you can only use a bow. If squirrel season is open you can hunt with shotgun,bow, rim fire. During gun season you can use all of those and your center fire. Now i think you can hunt all year for them in private land but WMA's you will have to check that specific lands regs.
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