Finally had time!

George P

New member
Jan 11, 2001
rochester N.H. usa
Hey George I got your email and pics they looked good, liked the one of you and boone? Are you trying to post one of those pics on here if so I can help you get it on....
GEORGE.. ON the main page is a LINK to or

Try one of them to UPLAOD your PICS !!!

If that doesn't work.... (Or ya just get fed up... Fire me off the pics in a E-mail !!!! I'll have it up Monday For ya !!!

Your trying to send them from your C:/ drive... Internet doesn't recognize that ... Becasue Everybody has a C:/ drive.... So you have to "UPLOAD" meening just copy it somewere on the net that has a http://www. SOMETHING .com ... Does that make sense ?
I tried that pic host site Moosie.The problem is on my end somehow.It gets me mad too because I used to know how to post them by heart.I am going to play tonight.