Yeti GOBOX Collection

Finally contact from Foremans Lawyer


Dec 10, 2000
Peoria ,Az
From Barrister Tijani I.Hazim
Solicitor at Law.

Dear Friend.
It is with trust and believe that I write to you, though I don't know you

neither have I seen you before, but my confidence was reposed on you.
Not really but I figured it was, this was one of those I have 100 billion dollars in a bank account in africa letters

I do not mean to be offensive with my post, but in my humble opinion, I think it is time to let go of the past and proceed with the future. All wallowing in the past (and all the unpleasant things thereof) accomplishes is keep the bad feelings front and center and make us bitter. I for one consider this to be shadows of the past...I will not mention it again.

Have a great weekend,


Can't we at least learn from our mistakes, and even better, have a good laugh about them????

Hey Del,

I got one of these letters the other day, and there was $10.5 million in the account. But I don't think the guy was too honest, as he proposed he keeps 60%, I get 30%, and we use 10% for expenses.

I thought about asking him to give me an estimate of the expenses, as I don't think it will cost $1 million to wire money to my bank account from some bank in Nigeria.

And I kind of felt a bit offended with the offer of 60/30... What kind of fool does he think I am. Should I counter him back with 20/70, my favor????
This was the letter I got...
"Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 1:26 PM
Subject: Seeking For Assistance

Dear Friend.

I am Mr Joseph Dada Mbosowo the eldest son of Chife Nkroma Mbosowo
fromSierraLeone. I am writing you in absolute confidence primarily to seek
your assistance to transfer our cash of Twenty five Million and five hundred
thousand Dollars ($25,500.000.00) now in the custody of a private Security
trust firm in Europe the money is in trunk boxes deposited and declared
as Precious stones by my late father as a matter of fact the company does
not know the content as money, although my Father made them to understand
that the
boxes belongs to his foreign partner.

Source of the money:

My late Father Chief Nkroma Mbosowo is a native of
Mende tribe in the Northern province of Sierra Leone, was the General
Manager of Sierra Leone Mining co-operation (S.L.M.C.) Freetown .According
to myFather this money was the income accrued from Mining Co-operation's
over draft and minor sales.

Before the peak of the civil war between the rebels forces of Major Paul
Ngaga and the combined forces of ECOMOG peace keeping operation that almost
my country, following the forceful removal from power of the civilian
elected President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah by the rebels. My Father had already
made arrangement for his family to be evacuated to Ivory coast with the
CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT he made with a security firm in Europe through the
aid of U.N evacuation team.

During the war in my country and following the indiscriminate looting of
Public and Government properties by the rebel forces, the Sierra Leone
mining coop.Was one of the target looted and it was destroyed.My Father
including other top Governmentfunctionaries were attacked and killed by the
rebels in November 2000 because of his relationship with the civilian
Government of Ahmed Tejan Kabbah.

As a result of my fathers death and with the information we got that the
rebels are out for us the burden became too much for me to handle coupled
with the ill health of my mother she died in the process as I could not
afford her a decent medical care. The unrest in Ivory Coast and the threat
from the rebels
against our lifes,made us to be evacuated to Nederland last December where I
and my family are seeking political asylum, we are at present in an asylum
camp in a small village in Nederland(HOLLAND). Our only hope now is in you
and the boxes deposited in the Security Firm To this effect, humbly solicit
your assistance in the followings ways.

1. to assist me claim this boxes from the security
Firm as our Foreign partner

2. to transfer this money (USD$25.5 M) in your name
to your country

3. to make a good arrangement for a joint business
investment on our behalf in your country and you,our Adviser/ Manager.

For your assistance, I have decided that 20% of the
total amount will be for your effort and another 5 % to cover all the
expenses that may incur during the
business transaction, Last, I urge you to keep this transaction strictly
confidential as no one knows our where about.
Please as you show your willingness, Forward to me
your full name, address and Tel/ Fax numbers, to me via my private email,
and Iwill get back to you
immediately with more information's and subsequently
send you the necessary documents needed in this transaction.


May God bless you as you assist us.


EMAIL ADDRESS:[email protected]"

This was my resoponce, and I haven't heard from him again.... ;)

"Do not send me any more of this shit....
I think you have been watching to much TV and I believe you as much as I
would Bill Klinton....
You need to quit drinking so much of your bath water and get a real job,
instead of trying to scam an easy income from unsuspecting dupes.
Take me off your mailing list, or I will turn unwanted sources in your
direction as an internet scam artist...."
I think I would have let the Jerry Springer show look into this Russ
You now that everthing he shows on his show is REAL life :eek:

Here was my reply:

Dear Mr. Mbosowo,

Hot damn!!! Thanks for thinking of me. My funds have been dangerously low lately, and I surely could use an increase in capital. You see, I, too, have a problem. It seems that a group of fellars have besmirched my good name, and I need all the money I can gather to hire some attorneys to once and for all put a stop to them.

You see, here in America, we have a thing called the "internet". On this "internet" there are "message boards". On these "message boards" people can post their thoughts on certain subjects. The problem is, I don't agree with most of what is posted on these "message boards". When I pointed out how wrong these people were, they called me names. They wouldn't stop calling me names even after I threatened to kick their asses. Can you believe that??? I also threatened to sue them, but that didn't work either.

After I repeatedly tried to get them to see the errors of their ways, they kicked me off their private "message board". The nerve!!! Well, I need to sue them now, and have threatened to do so, but, I am low on cash. It seems I have blown it all on cast iron skillets, insulin, and Viagra. Damn erectile dysfunction!

Anyway, I could certainly use that money you're talking about so that I may rid the world of their evil ungulate leader and his cronies. Please respond to me as soon as possible at [email protected]

Thank you,

Mr. Philip P. Foreman

:D :D :D
I'm with Rouge that the Past is the Past and I sure hope it Dies...

But I'm also with Nut,, FUNNY IS FUNNY :D :D :D HAHA !!
I got another one of those a few days ago...Told him to send me a good faith deposit of $5 million in the form of bank checks and I will send him an account number. Didn't tell him who the account number would belong to though. Funny thing, I am still waiting for my $5 million.

there hasnt been a post on this subject in what 2 weeks, then you bring it back up to the top. and yet this was your only post since the 18 so I am guessing you really dont want it left alone ;)

Nope! Your guessing wrong there Bud! Forgot what I was doing when I posted is all! I came back to delete it, and you had already posted on it!
Doesn't look like I'll be deleting it afterall, so why don't you delete it for me! While your at it why don't you fix it so I can't get on here anymore. I really don't think this is the place for me!
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