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Few roaming rams


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
We have a small herd of approx 10 bighorns that visit "the office".
One I did not have the phone camera ready has more mass then the single ram picture. Hope to catch a pic one of these days.


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Ya. A fun distraction. We push them back to the forested hill when they roam over to our property though doesn't hurt to snap a pic or few before giving them the heave-ho. :)
Stubborn sheep though - short time later they return. No fertilizers used in the grass however one main reason for pushing them off is to keep them from wondering beyond our area and to a domestic sheep, farm animal area. These are not zoomed pics, If not for taking the pics through the window, on some occasions we could have flicked a tic off them! Haha!

Biggwimm, I am doing better every day. Nothing but being pure thankful for my recovery. I am running 1.5miles in 13 minutes though the cold plays a bit of havoc on my muscles. Still improving each day. Sure appreciate all the support my family and I received from family/friends, work and the great people of Hunt Talk. Thanks for asking. :)
Great to have such an awesome animal so close. Thanks for sharing the pics and keep up the good work and getting healthy.
I should have prefaced that with running on a treadmill. Waiting for the weather to warm up to run outside. I had some amazing therapists, doctors and nurses. 8 days from now will be 1 year since my attempt to defy the purpose of 4 wheels on an atv. Heh...

If I understand these 10 or so sheep are part of a much larger herd though seems these are the ones venturing around our area. Pretty incredible the muscular mass on the heavy head ram!